General Question

AstroChuck's avatar

Is anyone brave enough to share their high school graduation picture with the collective?

Asked by AstroChuck (37658points) June 8th, 2009

In honor of it being June and graduation time I thought we could commemorate by proudly sharing our grad pics.
Here is mine. I have no shame. How about you?

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106 Answers

jlm11f's avatar

I am curious. What’s the locket?

AstroChuck's avatar

Tiger’s eye arrowhead, baby.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

astrochuck’s a hottie! reminds me of this…
no pics of me, my crowd thought we were too cool for yearbook pics or any pics really. I think there are a mere handful from my high school days.

lillycoyote's avatar

Sorry, I skipped out on my high school graduation pics. However, even though I think I’m about the same vintage as Astrochuck, I don’t think I owned anything quite as flammable as the shirt and vest he’s wearing in that picture.

cak's avatar

I doubt there is enough bandwidth for my hair. I graduated in the 80’s. BIG hair. Aqua Net was one of my best friends.

@Astrochuck – Wow! Quite the hottie!

rooeytoo's avatar

You’re pretty cute Chuckie but wow, that shirt and vest! I was trying to figure the year by the style, must have been late 60’s maybe???

So is your avatar really you, it is hard to tell?

shockvalue's avatar

…. uuuugh. I look terrible. but here you go: Albany High School 2007.

You’re welcome internet.

shockvalue's avatar

by the way, Great Question!

augustlan's avatar

@shockvalue Way to rock a pirate look!

I’d be more than happy to share mine as it’s one of the best pictures ever taken of me, but it’s not on my computer and I don’t own a scanner. :(

AstroChuck's avatar

@rooeytoo- Late ‘60s? Are you high? I was only born in ‘61. Guess again.
And yes. My avatar is me, circa 1967 or 68.

AstroChuck's avatar

@shockvalue- Arrrrr… you be lookin’ good, Matey.

cak's avatar

@AC – the arrowhead thing was a mid-70’s thing, wasn’t it? I remember my cousins wearing them.

edited to add: @shockvalue – Oh wow! A pirate look. :~) AAARRRRR!

whatthefluther's avatar

@AC…You age gracefully (why do I feel I am on a time machine talking to this kid)…wtf

jrpowell's avatar

You look like Lefteh. That is a good thing.

rooeytoo's avatar

@AstroChuck – heheheh, sorry, I remember my nephews wearing those silky shirts, they usually had scenes on them as I recall. So then mid to later 70’s.

Anyhow, you look very dashing.

AstroChuck's avatar


And thanks. shucks. :)

jonsblond's avatar

I’m like augustlan, no scanner. Also like cak, full can of aqua net! I’ve got my 20 year reunion this year and they have a web page up with our pics. I could use that but it has my maiden name on there and I’m not sure that I want to put that much info out.

@AstroChuck very handsome!

cak's avatar

@jonsblond are we responsible for global warming?

jonsblond's avatar

@cak Well, now that you double posted. I think so! ;)

cak's avatar

@jonsblond has it already been removed? I only see one! I am not that crazy! I think.

AstroChuck's avatar

Come on. Only one of you here has any balls? I showed you mine, now show me yours.

jonsblond's avatar

@cak I either need to refresh or I have my daughter’s fever!
@AstroChuck I’m 95% sure I’ll do it. Give me a minute. I can’t copy it from the site. :(

eponymoushipster's avatar

i don’t have one.

peedub's avatar

I don’t have one; I pocketed the cash and probably bought surf wax with it.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

@shockvalue i sincerely wish that i was awesome enough to pull off something like that for my senior picture

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@peedub: What cash? I never got any cash! Where’s my cash?

DarkScribe's avatar

There is no way that I am posting mine. I matriculated at thirteen. I just got my photo out and looked at it – for the first time in decades. I don’t even look thirteen, I like like a ten year old nerd. My eldest daughter matriculated at twelve but she looks cute – like many girls she could pass for someone much older. She graduated University at the same age age that most people graduate high from school and in those photos she looks to be a different person.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

eh i would but it was only 6 years ago so its not too different i guess.

Jeruba's avatar

All right, I will. I’ve doctored it to fade it and lose most of the detail, but there you have a shadow of my former self, 1964.

In 24 hours I’ll take it down.

MacBean's avatar

@jonsblond: LOL4RL

And… eurgh. Here’s mine. It’s a good picture, technically. It just feels like it’s of someone else.

jonsblond's avatar

@MacBean You’re beautiful! I really want to post mine but it won’t let me paste. :(

Jeruba's avatar

@jonsblond, I followed AC’s lead and uploaded it as an avatar, used “copy image location” to get the URL, and then deselected it but left it in place so I could post a pointer to it here. (Very clever, @AC.)

jonsblond's avatar

@Jeruba Just tried it. It’s a bmp.

Jeruba's avatar

@jonsblond, can you save it as a .jpg?

jonsblond's avatar

@Jeruba I’m working on it. If anything, I’ll have my mom scan it and email it to me so I can show you all that I have proof of my part in global warming. :)

eponymoushipster's avatar

@jonsblond that was pre-k. doesn’t count.

ok ok ok. here’s me at graduation, and me on spring break

those were wild times!

kenmc's avatar

Here’s a senior picture

It’s a pretty bad picture.

I was quite literally forced to take them with the guitar…

I’m usually much more hansom than that.

essieness's avatar

I don’t have a graduation picture handy, but here’s one of me at a “Big Sis/Little Sis” (for drill team) pep rally in high school. face palm

eponymoushipster's avatar

@essieness awe-some. you’ve got flair!

Allie's avatar

Umm, I graduated three years ago. I haven’t changed much from any of the other photos I’ve posted on Fluther. (In case you haven’t seen one around, this is one of my senior pictures. So cheesy. Ha.)

@boots has pretty eyes.

whatthefluther's avatar

OK,, so I ditched my high school graduation picture session. Hell, I even ditched the graduation ceremony, the senior prom, and even the graduation ceremony at UCLA. But I’ll share a photon of me taken the summer after high school graduation (July 1972). I’m in a raft on the Colorado River out of Moab, Utah, and headed for the white water rapids of Cataract Canyon. I was just recovering from strept throat, but had a great time. Yeah, the photo is not terribly revealing on purpose, not because I’m trying to hide anything here, but because maybe I have been too open and don’t…....well, I’ll save that for another time . So, without fluther ado, it is right here

DarkScribe's avatar

@whatthefluther So, without fluther ado, it is right here

I see that you survived the attack. What kind of animal was it that was trying to eat your head? ;)

(I did have an Afro for a while in the seventies, but nothing that size. )

MacBean's avatar

@Allie: @boots is really freakin’ cute. And you’re hot. Wow!

whatthefluther's avatar

@DarkScribe…Interesting you said survived…my parents maintained it was a battle I lost. But, it was all natural, and that’s the way it laid, no treatments or picking required. I could still wear it that way, but since 1980, when I got a “real” job I have opted to keep the top trim and long locks usually in a pony tail, which is currently as long as ever (well below my waist when wet). But, its becoming quite a chore to shampoo and I have begun to contemplate a “return to the human race” as my parents so often pleaded. See ya…wtf

SirBailey's avatar

Actually, I blacked out all of my pics in my senior year book with a marker. That’s how messed up I was in those days.

casheroo's avatar

I never graduated, so I don’t have any graduation pics :( I have my i.d. pic from 11th grade…I could upload that. not really the same :(

shrubbery's avatar

I’ll be graduating this year… we don’t necessarily have graduation photos but we do get school photos at the start of every year. Mine is awful though so I’m not going to post it.
<———Just look at that if you want I guess.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@shrubbery do you have to fight a kangaroo in order to graduate down there? ;)

shrubbery's avatar

@eponymoushipster we have to box a kangaroo, wrestle a crocodile, harpoon a deadly stingray and eat a jar of vegemite by itself. We’re really being tested our whole lives though, I mean it’s not easy to stick on the ground being on upside down and all.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@shrubbery that’s what i thought. wait – no digeridoo playing? boo.

jonsblond's avatar

@shrubbery How do you keep your hair so beautiful and in place being upside down and all. ;)

shrubbery's avatar

@eponymoushipster, naw, the last government banned that…. kidding.
@jonsblond, In the case of that particular photo… a lot of beer helped. The rest of the time? Vegemite. Yeah. Vegemite. It makes our hair grow against gravity. But I put more on my toast than my friend there so that’s why my hair is darker, like the colour of vegemite.

Harp's avatar

@shrubbery I find that Vegemite makes the contents of my tummy defy gravity

shrubbery's avatar

@Harp, that’s a shame, but I guess it’s cause you’re not used to it. When you’ve been eating it since birth (I think even our mother’s milk is tainted with it) its effects are directed to hair and helping your feet stick rather than your tummy. You should keep at it, you’ll like it one day :)

Harp's avatar

@shrubbery You’ll have to lay off the Vegemite if you come to school in the States, then. We don’t tolerate Aussies floating around with puffy hair. But then, that might be an asset in your field of study…

shrubbery's avatar

@Harp, hahaha. I lurve you.

sorry for derailing this thread a bit everyone!

augustlan's avatar

@casheroo I never graduated either. I got the pictures taken the summer before, but dropped out half-way through Senior year. :(

@shrubbery No fighting a baby-stealing dingo?

gailcalled's avatar


HS and life.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@shrubbery such is life on an island of convicts.

i graduated hs, but a year early and never got to take graduation photos. maybe i’ll go to glamour shots, get some snazzy ones done, just 12–13 years too late.

jonsblond's avatar

Miss Aqua Net 1989.

Thank God I don’t look anything like that anymore!

augustlan's avatar

@jonsblond I’m getting a Gmail error page from your link. :(

jonsblond's avatar

@augustlan damn! It works for me. How do I fix it. such the newb

augustlan's avatar

@jonsblond Sadly, I have no idea! I am technologically deficient.

jonsblond's avatar

@augustlan I’m glad I’m not the only one.

shadling21's avatar

@jonsblond It doesn’t work for me either. Did you link to a picture from your gmail inbox or something?

I clicked “Show Detailed Technical Info” and it showed me this: “Numeric Code: 7”
That doesn’t seem too detailed, now, does it?

jonsblond's avatar

@shadling21 Yes I did. Sorry. I’ll figure it out one of these days.

augustlan's avatar

@jonsblond I’m thinking that you need to right click on the pic, ‘save image’ as something, then post it to flicker or photobucket, then link us from there. Simple, huh? ~

jonsblond's avatar

@augustlan I swore off the internet until I gave it a chance this past December. Go figure that someone would rather spend some time outdoors and with their family.~

Give me a break children.

I feel like I’m in high school again

jonsblond's avatar

please ignore post above ^^ due to lack of sleep and worry for my sick child.

augustlan's avatar

@jonsblond I hope he’s feeling better, and you’ve gotten some sleep. :)

DominicX's avatar

My senior portrait? I don’t really like it…

I’ll show you a picture of me at graduation, though, with my cap decorated for Stanford:

augustlan's avatar

OK, I think I figured out how to manage this… here I am. Hopefully.

essieness's avatar

@augustlan Aw look at ya! Pretty girl!

augustlan's avatar

By the way, that was the summer before senior year, so 1984. I would’ve been 16, almost 17 at the time.

whatthefluther's avatar

@augustlan….Nice photo, pretty girl. Thanks for sharing…wtf

eponymoushipster's avatar

@MacBean you were Emperor Hirohito in 1984??! wild stuff!

DarkScribe's avatar

@eponymoushipster you were Emperor Hirohito in 1984??! wild stuff!

He does have that “I am plotting to overthrow the world” look about him.

kenmc's avatar

This is what I looked like in 1984, only I hadn’t wone the race yet.

augustlan's avatar

Ok, now I feel really old! @MacBean Aww, so cute!

whatthefluther's avatar

@augustlan…You feel old? I turned 30 in 1984!

augustlan's avatar

@whatthefluther I guess it’s all relative, huh? Lets be old together. :D

essieness's avatar

This is what I looked like in 1984. Apparently I was about to run a marathon…

eponymoushipster's avatar

@essieness that or you were touring with grandmaster flash and fab five freddy

DominicX's avatar

We need to make a thread where people post pictures of themselves as a young child. It’s been done on every Q&A site that I go on.

DominicX's avatar


Seems like it would get modded. I don’t know to get around the “mod-filter”.

augustlan's avatar

@DominicX Maybe wait until a few days after this thread has died. You’ll have a better chance, then. No guarantees, but it’s worth a shot.

essieness's avatar

@DominicX Just say “What did you look like as a kid?”. I mean, this thread got past them. If you get modded, big deal. We like these types of “getting to know you” questions. :)

eponymoushipster's avatar

@DominicX another option, you can always encourage people to add their childhood pics to the Fluther Photobucket group. or something to that effect.

DominicX's avatar

All interesting ideas. I may do something tomorrow because I have a few pictures I want to post, but I don’t have them with me right now and I’m not sure where to get them. Everyone’s asleep and I soon will be as well. :P

But I intend on seeing this happen somehow.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@AstroChuck good call. just fyi, a good many of the photo links are dead. but we can just reactivate the thread i suppose, eh?

DominicX's avatar

If a new one were made with the same wording, it would probably get past. Also, it should probably be posted by a long-time user of this site. Mods may claim they don’t favor them, but I think they do, even if it’s subconscious.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@DominicX just post to the thread @AstroChuck brought up. A new thread with the same wording is likely to get modded as a repeater. Old threads are often reactivated. And now that it’s mentioned in this, a newer thread, with a similar audience, you’re bound to have traffic.

J0E's avatar

Here’s me, I don’t always wear clown makeup.

sorry for the quality, it’s actually a picture of a picture.

jonsblond's avatar

@J0E You look so serious. ;)

J0E's avatar

I’m smiling aren’t I?

jonsblond's avatar

It’s all in the eyes.

nice smile btw

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