General Question

atlantis's avatar

How do you get over intense rage?

Asked by atlantis (1867points) July 23rd, 2009

You know there are issues and situations in which people are just waiting for you to blow it. And you can’t do anything except not give them the satisfaction. That’s the easy bit. But what do you do with the rage that’s still lingering in your system? Quick, cheap fixes anyone?

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25 Answers

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I go to the gym. Whatever anger you have you can take out on the weights. Might as well benefit from some good old fashioned pent up anger by building some anger muscle.

Tink's avatar

Been there a few weeks ago, I listened to some music Jellies suggested. And I got over it.

lillylithium's avatar

It’s not the most healthy thing to do, but I go driving, usually on winding and somewhat dangerous roads, often at high speeds while listening to loud angry music and just let myself scream. It always calms me down.

atlantis's avatar

@Tink1113 what music lets you get over blinding rage? do share :’(

atlantis's avatar

@lillylithium I’m the exact opposite; I keep it all in and have massive bouts of the most ingrained depression fit that you can possibly imagine. Not healthy since I doubt I’ve completely recovered from the last one.

cyndyh's avatar

Intense exercise—like steep, quick hiking
break stuff
writing about fictional crime

whatthefluther's avatar

I’d hop on one of my motorcycles, hit an open stretch of highway and speed. Great rush and a great release.

Tink's avatar

They suggested this list of songs and artists and stuff.

lillylithium's avatar

@atlantis That’s probably not very healthy. But hey, to each their own. I know myself, and if I don’t let the rage go while I’m alone, it will come out on someone wholly undeserving of such treatment, which only makes me feel worse.

Alleycat8782's avatar

I work out while listening to pretty heavy screaming music, a lot of the artists that are mentioned in @Tink1113 ‘s question.

jrpowell's avatar

I go to the park and sit. Then I realize what is done is done. I can’t change the past. I can’t fix or change anything. Accept it and move on.

I’m old. One thing I know is that confronting rumors makes them worse. It is best to shut up and know someone else will have a worse rumor in a few days and then yours will be forgotten.

and fuck high school

Bobbilynn's avatar

I’m with lillylithium, I do the same thing! It works great, but make sure your a good driver, nervous people need not try this one!
Welcome @lillylithium!

lillylithium's avatar

@Bobbilynn Thanks for the warm welcome. Obviously, I’m new here, but I absolutely love the concept of this site. And I agree. Nervous drivers should NOT try my method of calming down! And definitely do not try it on a road you are not familiar with! But if you know the road, and are a confident and competent driver, enjoy. I think the exertion of control over your car somehow helps to reestablish your control over your life and emotions.

CMaz's avatar

Rage is one thing. We all pop our cork from time to time.
Intense rage? Splash some water on your face, drink some water, find a distraction. First chance you get. GET HELP.

Bobbilynn's avatar

@lillylithium your right, I just got a 04 jeep, to drive one is to love one!!
But with my old Lincoln (I had for 6 yrs) I could get out every once of frustration!
I suppose after some time I will feel as in control of the jeep too!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I like creating a fictional story, placing the person that pissed me off as the main character, and then killing them in the most creative ways possible.

One of my favorite ways is to have the person wake up in a cave, atop a high pinnacle of rock that there is no way down from, and then have the dragon that lives there, wake up hungry. =)

Using personality quirks of the person, and things they are know for, like certain exclamations of surprise, and describing in great detail their demise as the dragon ‘plays’ with its food, make this one of the most satisfying ways to rid myself of rage.

Life is about choices, your results may vary.

Darwin's avatar

To get over intense rage, I work out very hard physically, write a long and raging essay on a site like Fluther, and then go off and cry until I fall asleep.

The next day I am usually not so angry, but if the situation that created the rage still exists and is unfair, then I call my lawyer and sue the bastards.

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

Ultraviolence and Beethoven.

sakura's avatar

motorbike ride :) clears the head coz you HAVE to think about the road and nothing else xx As I’ve mentioned in another link – COLOURING! With smooth white paper and felt pens xx

cak's avatar

Mow the lawn. Seriously. I get on the riding mower, and mow the backyard. I can yell, sing or just be pissed in silence, if I need too. I may look like a lunatic; however, I don’t cause physical harm to anyone and I usually am fine, by the time I am finished.

When I don’t have a foot issue…like recovering from surgery, I go for a run, if the lawn doesn’t need mowing.

whatthefluther's avatar

@cak….GA lurve for the marvelous visual of you raising hell to no one while on a riding mower! See ya…

AtSeDaEsEpPoAoSnA's avatar

Depends on the person really. I bite my bottom lip close to as hard as I can, been doing it since I was a kid. And not to make it seem that I’m out of my mind or anything, but I put my tongue on my lip to see if there is any blood. I don’t think I have ever told anyone that. It takes alot for me to get rage filled really, or even angry. I also yell as loud as I can when I know I’m alone, and no one will hear it. I think the yelling helps me mentally expell the tension, because I feel ten times better and I can yell very loud.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Go silent if in the company of others until I can be alone and then I exhaust myself with exercise, grooming, cleaning and running errands. I’ll even talk to myself out loud about what bugs me and force myself to dissect the situation down to bare reason. That usually cools me down to where I can discuss it (if needed) and make something positive out of the situation.

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