General Question

andrew's avatar

Do you have any suggestions for games during a car trip?

Asked by andrew (16553points) August 7th, 2009

I’m about to take a 5 hour trip! Of course there will be great conversation, but fun games always make a good road trip a great road trip!

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21 Answers

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

hide the saltine….

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Not necessarily a game, but you can make faces at people in other cars.

nicolas's avatar

When I was young, my brothers and I would each pick a colour, and whoever saw the most cars of that colour after a designated amount of time won.

@teh_kvlt_liberal That is a fun thing to do as well—sometimes they make faces back ;)

RandomMrdan's avatar

you can play “I spy”. It works like this…

Me: “I spy something Blue.”

Everyone else in the car gets to guess what I’m looking at that is blue, they can take turns. And whoever guesses the right object I’ve chosen gets to “spy” another object and color.

I use to play it when I was a kid, so I’m not sure how well it’ll go over with adults. It was the first thing that came to mind.

Hope you enjoy the road trip!

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

a 5 hours is notttthhhiiinnnn by the way. it’ll be over before you know it.

jeanna's avatar

Sometimes we would use the letters on license plates to make up words, statements, etc. It was pretty funny to see what everyone would come up with.

And yeah, 5 hours isn’t bad at all!

eponymoushipster's avatar

ipod roulette. everyone takes turns with their ipod (or, “mp3 device”).

also, you could kill a drifter. hiding the body is like a treasure hunt!

RandomMrdan's avatar

oh, we did use to take turns picking two license plates and whoever could get two states that were the furthest apart would win.

mrentropy's avatar

Good old “Punch Buggy.”

AstroChuck's avatar

One of my favorites when my girls were growing up was who can stay quiet the longest. That game was a staple in the Clarke family car.

chyna's avatar

This isn’t really a game, but I like to figure out what vanity plates say. Some are easy: pl8 and some I can never figure out what they say.

suzyq2463's avatar

20 questions is a good one since everyone can participate regardless of age. We bought the game Buzzwords and just take the cards (which are small) in the car with us. Each card has a theme word and the object is to guess the related words based on the clues. Very fun. You can also find Travel Bingo cards—if you see a cow, you get to mark it on your bingo card, etc. Of course, I don’t recommend that the driver participate in this one.

jonsblond's avatar

I always buy a new Mad Libs book before we go on a road trip. It’s guaranteed to make us laugh.

Steven0512's avatar

My GF always gets one of these questions books for about twenty bucks. They have hundreds of interesting topics and everyone in the car shares there opinions. They have different books with different topics, the morals and what if are our favorites. It can get a little heated in debate, but it makes the trip go very quickly.

augustlan's avatar

Play “Who am I”. Sort of like 20 questions, but there is no question limit.

augustlan's avatar

@barumonkey Basically, yes. We never reveal the first letter of the name though… we start with a completely blank slate. We also don’t use famous people exclusively, it can be anyone that all of those playing are familiar with. Sometimes, we even use cartoon characters, or switch it up to ”What am I?” for objects and animals.

Bri_L's avatar

All mine were taken.

Another option is to bring a book on cd or tape.

casheroo's avatar

We’d do Mad Libs on long trips, with my family. Also, my parents would quiz us on bands, so random songs and then try to guess who it is…we did it with Classic Rock. Sounds lame, but it made me know my music.

kruger_d's avatar

I traveled with my sister’s family, and we had a pirate theme. We wore striped shirts, eyepatches, said argh alot. There are all kind of good pirate phrases for traveling—all aboard, batten down the hatches, rough roads=rough seas. We also watched a lot of SpongeBob.

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