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erichw1504's avatar

What upcoming t.v. shows are you looking forward to this Fall 2009 season?

Asked by erichw1504 (26453points) August 13th, 2009

There seems to be some good shows this season. What new or returning show are you looking forward to and why? Any shows you wish would return but aren’t? Or even a show you think should be created?

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60 Answers

growler's avatar

Dollhouse Season 2, Castle Season 2, more Warehouse 13 (continuing from this summer). I wish Chuck was returning in the fall, but I’ll just have to wait until the spring.

jrpowell's avatar

Dexter is my number one show that is starting up again. And it comes back the day after my b-day.

edit :: And The Amazing Race comes back in 44 days.

erichw1504's avatar

Fringe, Two and a Half Men, Big Bang Theory, and yes… Heroes, which may be the last season I watch if it doesn’t get awesome again.

mrentropy's avatar

I’m still holding out for Firefly.

eponymoushipster's avatar

Mad Men Season 3
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Season 5

InspecterJones's avatar

Big Love
Warehouse 13 (already starrted but worth mentioning)
Mad Men

Probably others too…i have no life.

@eponymoushipster Props! Lurve

dynamicduo's avatar

Dexter! I’m totally psyched for it. Other than that I’m not really sure. I’m putting all my hope into a new Star Trek in the next years…

eponymoushipster's avatar

@InspecterJones i’ve heard good things about Glee.

InspecterJones's avatar

@eponymoushipster go to hulu, the pilot of Glee is on there, pretty funny and awesome for a pilot.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

The second season of sons of anarchy

eponymoushipster's avatar

@InspecterJones oh, cool. ill check it out. thanks!

marinelife's avatar

I am so glad Medium was saved and is on CBS.
I am looking forward to a new season of Big Bang Theory.

I wish that show with Angie Harmon based on the James Patterson books, Women’s Murder Club, had not become a victim of the writer’s strike.

casheroo's avatar

Always Sunny

Rant's avatar

Fringe and Lie to Me. The latter being a clone of House towards the end, but nonetheless an entertaining show. Also Chuck.

mrentropy's avatar

I don’t understand Eureka’s schedule, but I hope that comes back, too.

InspecterJones's avatar

@mrentropy Wasnt Eureka canceled? You should check out Warehouse 13 (its on hulu too! love hulu)

ShanEnri's avatar

Fringe, Sanctuary and—laugh if you want—Americas Next Top Model. @mrentropy I agree with you on Firefly, I really think they should bring that one back!

jonsblond's avatar

The Amazing Race

jrpowell's avatar

I just thought I should point this list out.

lefteh's avatar

Glee! Glee! GLEE!

mrentropy's avatar

@InspecterJones Canceled? If it’s canceled I won’t watch Warehouse 13, which I also watch and like. I love Eureka.

lefteh's avatar

Nope, Eureka was picked up for a fourth season.

mrentropy's avatar

@lefteh Phew. Thanks for the info.

InspecterJones's avatar

@lefteh Ah ok, I thought I had read somewhere that it was gonna be canceled. Good news.

Sarcasm's avatar

New show? Stargate Universe
Returning? Always Sunny, The Office. I’m also excited for Futurama, Doctor Who and The IT Crowd, but they don’t return this year
Shows I wish would return? Firefly, The Mighty Boosh, Stargate Atlantis, Kings, K-Ville.

InspecterJones's avatar

I would rather have another Firefly movie. The series when in comparison to the movie just sucked so bad, story wise and everything else. Probably cause they had more money and writers for the movie but I dunno…

christine215's avatar

DEXTER, all things DEXTER! Love that show, Love Michael C Hall (thought he was incredible in 6 ft under too)

Sarcasm's avatar

Dangit, I remembered too late to edit my first reply

I wish Arrested Development would get back here.

hug_of_war's avatar

I’m hoping flash forward can at least partially fill the hole that will be in my heart after lost ends

Steven0512's avatar

Flash Forward and Fringe.

tinyfaery's avatar

I don’t think Dollhouse is returning. Is it?

Big Love

But I’m sooo loving True Blood right now I don’t really care.

ubersiren's avatar

Glee, Dollhouse, and I’m with @mrentropy on Firefly. And I wish I’d never seen Buffy and could watch it with my virgin loins eyes from the beginning.

I will be Netflixing the most recent seasons of: Always Sunny, Dexter, Tru Blood, and Mad Men.

Sarcasm's avatar

@tinyfaery Yes, yes it is. After the fans made a big noise about wanting it to return, with the head of Fox saying something along the lines of “If we cancelled it, we’d get spammed with millions of emails until we brought it back.” It returns September 25th.

Judi's avatar

I am so sad the cancelled Kings!!

growler's avatar

@InspecterJones Love Warehouse 13! Artie makes my day. And the Tesla…such power…

ubersiren's avatar

Oh, and Jeopardy! They’re showing reruns of teen and college weeks until fall. :(

filmfann's avatar

House (House in a funny farm? Comedy gold!)
South Park (obviously)
Battlestar Galactica, the Other side (or whatever it’s called)

jonsblond's avatar

@filmfann I can’t believe I forgot South Park!

St.George's avatar

Dexter and Lost. I just finished the first season of Lost on DVD. I LOVE IT!!!!!!! (yes I’m shouting). I’m happy I have 5 more seasons to catch up on before 6 comes along.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

is project runway ever coming back? ):

eponymoushipster's avatar

@tiffyandthewall yes. Tim Gunn was just on Jimmy Fallon. It’s on Lifetime now. starts soon (this weekend maybe?)

Judi's avatar

I love this thread because I watch a lot of shows on Hulu or Amazon unbox and you guys have given me some ideas of new shows to try.

mrentropy's avatar

@Judi The worst part about watching shows on Hulu is that you end up really liking a show and finding out it was cancelled four years ago. Like Dead Like Me, New Amsterdam, John Doe, Surface, and who knows how many others.

nayeight's avatar

I’m looking forward to Gossip Girl (yes, I watch it) and America’s Next Top Model this fall. I don’t know when U.S. of Tara, Nurse Jackie, Secret Diaries of a Call Girl or Dexter will come back on Showtime but I’m ready and waiting (I still miss the L Word). I’m also ready for whenever the Flight of the Conchords or Big Love comes on HBO, but until them I’m definitely enjoying True Blood and Hung has been okay.

casheroo's avatar

@nayeight Ohhh Big Love! I don’t know if I finished the last season, since we didn’t have HBO for a little while. Nurse Jackie is currently on..that wasn’t the finale the other day, was it?? Also, I used to watch Gossip Girl but missed a few episodes so I got lost. I really want to rent them in order so I can catch up! I might do that with Lost, since I stopped watching back in 2006.

Jack_Haas's avatar

Day one looks really good, I hope they don’t screw it up like CBS did with Jericho. V also looks very promising. But the one show I expect more than any other is Leno’s new comedy. Conan is okay but I really,really miss Leno/Conan late nights. I wish Reaper would return, even in syndication, but there is absolutely no chance of that ever happening. At least Missy Peregrin will be on copper and tyler labine on Sons of Tucson but I’ll always miss Ray Wise’s performance.

jonsblond's avatar

Top Chef started last night. I didn’t even know that it was starting this soon. I was surprised when I found out just two days ago. yay!

emmy23's avatar

Supernatural and Vampire Diaries mainly

anyone no when they start??

potter's avatar

I am waiting for mad man and Firefly.

Judi's avatar

I just bought the first season of Dexter based on your recomendations. Watched 3 episodes. Pretty wierd so far. It gives me the creaps that a killer is the hero. We’ll see how it progresses.

filmfann's avatar

@potter Welcome to Fluther. Lurve.

emmy23's avatar

I would really like to know when the new season of Supernatural starts and the series starter of Vampire Diaries.

any help would be great!

erichw1504's avatar

@emmy23 I believe they both begin September 10th.

Judi's avatar

Got through the second disk of season one of Dexter last night. Creeping me out that I like it!

potter's avatar

I am waiting for chuck it is my one of the favorite tv shows…

Austinlad's avatar

Obama’s inaugural.

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