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ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

Anyone with an idea as to where to find living accomodations in Greece?

Asked by ABoyNamedBoobs03 (7546points) August 20th, 2009

I was talking to a friend of mine, her and I were complaining about college starting back up again and I just made the comment that I was going to take the semester off and go live on a Greek island (specifically Santorini). it just got me thinking, that if I ever really wanted to do that, would it be relatively affordable for someone who’s not in a wealthier class? and does anyone know of some sites that I could check out just to get a basic idea?

Disclaimer: I’m not asking if it’d be a good choice, and I’m not saying I’m planning to do this any time soon, just a “for future reference” sort of curiosity…

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13 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

I would contact a college or organization (religious?) who would be willing to help. Maybe the Red Cross or the Peace Corps would be a good place to start.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

^ thanks for the suggestion! I’m more or less just looking for some sort of website, just so I can appease my curiosity at this point. I’ve googled it and all sorts of methods on my own but can’t find one :(.

YARNLADY's avatar

@ABoyNamedBoobs03 Oh, I see. I’m only aware of organizations that work on a person by person basis, not an online source.

jlm11f's avatar

Have you seen couchsurfing? Pretty cool concept with many advantages such as: essentially free, make new friends, find out about the spots the locals like to wander in, and the fact that some stranger is doing something for you has to increase your faith in humanity at least a tad.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

@PnL I’ve heard of it here and there, seems like a pretty cool idea, does it work internationally though?

I should probably just check the website lol

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

@PnL whoa holy shit lol…. there’s 19 couches in antartica O.o?

jlm11f's avatar

@ABoyNamedBoobs03 – Yep, I am always surprised by how much more popular it is than we think it is. 3721 in Greece!!

Jack79's avatar

Santorini is great. And yes, CS has couches everywhere in the world, especially Greece. But don’t expect someone to host you for 3 months or something. If you’re talking about long term though, you could get fairly cheap accomodation, especially after September when all the tourists are gone. A double room or small apartment could cost up to $50 a night in the summer, but you could get the same thing for under $250 a month in the winter (you could also get it for around $400–500 a month in the summer if you stay for a whole month). It is generally affordable, and the cost of living would not be any higher than anywhere else in the world.

Santorini is quite beautiful, though I don’t know if you’d survive that long there, especially with all the tourists gone. Depends on what you like. Winter in the Greek islands feels a lot like some of those old cowboy movies where the bad guy rides into a town and finds it empty. There are very few people out in the streets, as the locals are either hibernating or taking their own holidays (in places like Grenoble and Milton Keynes).

whatthefluther's avatar

@ABoyNamedBoobs03…I agree with @Jack79 that Santorini is very beautiful and interesting with the archaeological dig at Akrotiri and the capital city of Fira on the crest of the volcano caldera. It is a very dry island with rough geology, but some mighty fine wine. But, personally, I couldn’t see myself spending more than a week on the island. Consider couch surfing and visiting many islands, perhaps Rhodes, Mykonos, etc. They are all very beautiful. See ya….Gary aka wtf

Nially_Bob's avatar

Thanks for the link @PnL. I’m always going walk-about so that website is like a dream come true

nebule's avatar

I was going to say…ask @Jack79 but he’s already here :-p

Jack79's avatar

…and if I end up marrying Lynne by September, you guys can move in my place :P

(insert evil laughter) hehe…there goes your last chance of ever getting a date! Now they all think you’re taken! Mwahahahaha! :P

nebule's avatar

hee hee…yep…that’s it now! you’ve really gone and done it! :-p

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