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wundayatta's avatar

How do you get bubblegum off of fabric?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) August 31st, 2009

So our friend’s child was chewing this huge wad of bubblegum the other day. Later, we found it stuck to my son’s sleeping bag (my son uses it as a blanket). Any ideas about getting it off? My wife thinks that freezing bubblegum allows it to be chipped away, but we don’t have any way of getting the entire sleeping bag frozen.


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9 Answers

Strauss's avatar

I have found that the best thing to remove any kind of chewing gum is ice. If you rub ice on the gum, both from the exposed side, and through the fabric, it will cause the gum to become brittle. Then it will break rather than stretch. I have used this many times on clothing and on carpets.

eponymoushipster's avatar

they sell aerosol cans that essentially freeze the gum and you then scrape it off.

sandystrachan's avatar

Ice it then it should come right off , i had to do this the other day when someone walked in with thte stuff on the shoes .

EmpressPixie's avatar

The ice folks are right—freezing works best. If you can’t put it in the freezer, bring the freezer to it. Ice it. It should peel right off (not chip).

PerryDolia's avatar

Fill two gallon ziplocks with ice. Put one on the inside and one on the outside over some of the gum. Give it 15mins. Chip off what you can with a dull knife. Repeat.

Take it to a dry cleaner (if it is down), or wash with detergent and Biz if synthetic.

dee1313's avatar

Ice is probably the best suggestion, though I remember reading that you can use moistened dryer sheets if gum gets stuck in your dryer. I have no idea if that would work on a sleeping bag, but just a thought.

OreetCocker's avatar

Ice ice baby ;-)

Pandora's avatar

Use goo gone if the ice doesn’t completely take it away.

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