General Question

Ailia's avatar

How can I keep myself updated with today's current events?

Asked by Ailia (1363points) September 5th, 2009

I am a freshman and I am entering a current event competiton. My question is how can I keep ahead of the competition? I listen to NPR and the BBC but I am wondering if they are more resources to keep updated with current events. I really need a good un-biased network that is very up-to-date with everything. Does anyone have any recommendations or tips on how to stay well-informed with all the current events?

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12 Answers

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

new york times
Seriously, if you want to be a better writer as said in your other post then I suggest you read it.
You can read it online

gailcalled's avatar

Also check out for reporting, editorials, opinions, and humor.

Ailia's avatar

@teh_kvlt_liberal Would that also be a good news source too? I don’t know how up-to-date their posts are. Thats mainly what I am looking for; the most current updated news. But I’ll check it out just the same. And @jonsblond and @gailcalled I will try those out too. Hopefully I can get all the information I need from them. Thanks a bunch. :)

photographcrash's avatar is brilliant. gives you nice succinct summations of the important events/news. With lots of other cool articles and contributors. I dig.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Yeah the online site is pretty up to date
They just updated the US open about 25 minutes ago
I’d try too, they’re up to date

Ailia's avatar

Thanks everyone for the news sites. I just went on them and they look pretty informative and current. I can’t wait to delve even deeper into what they offer. I also love the fact that you don’t need a subscription to read there stuff. Well thanks a million everybody, I can’t thank you enough. :)

YARNLADY's avatar

You can sign up with the news services to send you e-mails.

jrpowell's avatar

I usually hit up in the morning. I feel up-to-date after skimming it.

mattbrowne's avatar

Create your own filters and priorities and do not just rely on others.

Vincentt's avatar

Twitter’s trending topics :)

Right, it’s not a good news source, but you can see what new is happening quickly and then use that as a starting point to find more information about a current event.

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