General Question

simone54's avatar

Taking advantage of Netflix?

Asked by simone54 (7642points) September 21st, 2009

Sometimes I will report problems with my DVDs to get the next one in faster. i.e. I’ll have in a DVD at my house and I’ll report that I have never received it so they will send me the next one immediately. I also do send it back, I’m not stealing them or anything, just trying get my DVDs before the weekend. How much can I get away with?

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20 Answers

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

sounds like a great idea to me…

limeaide's avatar

Are the DVDs you are getting in high demand? Are you taking away from some poor sucker that’s playing by the rules?

Likeradar's avatar

Are you asking how much you can get away with with Netflix, or until people roll their eyes at you and think your behavior is lame?

trumi's avatar

Shame shame, we know your name!

erichw1504's avatar

That’s not something I would admit to the general public, but I do believe you can only report so many within a certain amount of time. I used to have Blockbuster and I believe they only let you report about 2 every other week.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

It’s people like you that ruin it for the rest of us.

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ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

By taking advantage of a company! It will eventually (if it hasn’t already) have a negative effect on the rest of their customers. Example: rates going up and/or policies changing.

Likeradar's avatar

Doesn’t Netflix have a program that allows you to pay to have more than one movie at a time?
Why did you decide to go the route of scamming the company instead of paying a few extra bucks a month?

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

@Simone54 P.S. I love how you threw “bitch” into my username. Very mature. No need to get crazy. You asked for our opinions. Be prepared for honest answers. Don’t ask us if you don’t have the backbone to handle it.

simone54's avatar

I didn’t ask for anyone’s opinion. Get of off your high horses people.

Likeradar's avatar

@simone54 So what’s your exact question? Are you wondering how long until Netflix will catch on?

And if you post a q about how you’re scamming a company, you’re gonna get opinions. I’m sure you knew that.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@simone54 Taking more than you give will rack up your life with Karmic debt. If you’re willing to live with that & pass it on to future generations of your descendants, then keep your game up. If not, it’s time to reconsider how you go about living the life you’ve been given.

As for the Netflix thing…you just make it suck for the rest of us in the long run. What if what you do makes the company less trusting of all it’s customers? What if they have to raise prices to keep up with the demand?

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

@simone54 You aren’t asking for anyone’s opinion? Well you sure had me fooled. I can’t imagine why you’d even want to be part of fluther if you can’t handle opinionated individuals. As far as your question goes…take advantage all you want. I don’t use netflix. So at least your actions won’t have any effect on my life.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

@simone54 you asked for peoples opnions by asking this question

mcbealer's avatar

Why don’t you just stream your movies?
<—- curious gnome, not tellin’ ya what to do!

Jeruba's avatar

NetFlix is a wonderful service that has been completely fair and responsive to me. I have reported problems only when I really had them, and they have taken care of them promptly. I would hate to lose this good service when I legitimately need it because somebody is trying to con and cadge and game the system for an unfair personal advantage. The system works just fine. Why do you need anything more than what they provide? If you need a movie today, go to Blockbuster.

cwilbur's avatar

Netflix also does a great deal of data analysis. If you game the system, they will catch on.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

@mcbealer Streaming media for the win.
That’s got the instant gratification we’re all looking for.

limeaide's avatar

@mcbealer @The_Compassionate_Heretic Streaming is fantastic, especially with a Roku, Xbox or PS3. I’m guessing the OP wants super new movies though.

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