General Question

rebbel's avatar

What happens with all the liquids the airport-security-people take in?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) September 24th, 2009

I’m flying in some hours and when i was packing my shampoo- and showergel into my suitcase i thought that there is a chance that i’ll maybe have to leave it at the securitypoint (i only travel with handluggage).
They must collect tons of the stuff, i thought.
What are they doing with all the liquids they collect?

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14 Answers

PretentiousArtist's avatar

They keep it. No seriously, I have a non-artistic friend who works at a nearby airport, and they’ll keep it as if it’s their own. Water? They’ll drink it. Shampoo? They’ll use it in their hair. It’s not your’s anymore. You can bring smaller stuff, though, as long as it’s not a bloody gallon of water.

Ansible1's avatar

You’re trying to bring shampoo on an airplane?!? TERRORIST!!!

ESV's avatar

It be nice if they donated it to homeless shelters, but from what I seen on discovery channel they don’t , they will make a storage room where you can buy stuff like for discount prices or make auctions for serious antiques.

dpworkin's avatar

Hotels bid on it, then repackage and relabel it, and give it away to their customers.

XOIIO's avatar

@PretentiousArtist you drink bloody water?

patg7590's avatar

The sell it back to real terrorists at a huge markup

rottenit's avatar

Long Island Iced Tea mix in the bars?

AstroChuck's avatar

The new guy has to drink them.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

The guy at the Nashville airport SWORE to me that they donate it to a homeless shelter, but who knows. They probably donate the crap nobody wants, and keep the good stuff.

rebbel's avatar

Well, homeless shelters everywhere.., here come my soap and shampoo. I had to give them up.

YARNLADY's avatar

It varies by state. TSA often turns it over to the state, if they want it, and from there, it is usually put for sale in bulk state sales. Sometimes it ends up in the Federal “sale” flyer that other agencies can purchase items from.

Likeradar's avatar

Interesting how they confiscate our liquids because they might be dangerous… and then use them or sell them.

Is any testing done on these items to make sure they won’t actually blow up?

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@Likeradar: I asked him that too. I’m pretty sure he said that was up to the recipient. LOL.

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