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BenByTheWay's avatar

What belief would make your life easier if you did not hold it?

Asked by BenByTheWay (147points) September 29th, 2009

Please explain why your life would be easier without this belief.

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28 Answers

DarkScribe's avatar

Certainty of eventual death.

nikipedia's avatar

Oh man. My life would be a lot easier if I didn’t believe that animal suffering was on par with human suffering. I could eat meat again and do animal research without any regard for their lives.

And life would be a lot easier if I wasn’t skeptical that monogamy was a big ruse we’re fooling ourselves into.

BBSDTfamily's avatar

That eating meat that came from any form of factory farming is unacceptable… I sure do miss burgers, but my compassion for how so many cows are treated makes me want to vomit just smelling one. Poor cows and piggies :(

cyn's avatar

@BenByTheWay welcome to fluther.
belief:“He’s the one.” My life wouldn’t be this frustrating and I would be going out with someone by now.

Grisaille's avatar


Sometimes it feels like ain’t nothin’ is worth it. Then I realize that’s a somewhat immature mindset, and carry on.

Comes and goes.

Likeradar's avatar

@nikipedia And answers like that is why you’re at 10k lurve. :)

My life would be way easier if I didn’t believe I am good at my job because of my high level of emotional involvement. I can’t imagine how much I’ll worry and stress about my own children some day.

Great question.

BBSDTfamily's avatar

Oh another one… if I didn’t believe that I needed to make everyday count and that I should show people how much I love them every chance I got, my life would be easier! I could sleep in instead of cooking my husband breakfast and making sure he has everything he needs for work when I have NO other reason to get up early. You just never know when your last day together will be.

mramsey's avatar

It would be so much easier if I didn’t believe sex before marriage is wrong.

Then I wouldn’t have to be sneaky and I would feel no guilt.

Tink's avatar

“That eating meat that came from any form of factory farming is unacceptable… I sure do miss burgers, but my compassion for how so many cows are treated makes me want to vomit just smelling one. Poor cows and piggies :(”

Lurve. Except, I for one, don’t miss meat. But it would make my life easier because I am too lazy to make my own food.

MagsRags's avatar

If I didn’t believe in karma, I could take all kinds of unethical shortcuts when no one else was watching.

DarkScribe's avatar

@Tink1113 Poor cows and piggies :(”

You might like this Cows With Guns

holden's avatar

everyone else is better than me

LKidKyle1985's avatar

Basically Morals in general. If I didn’t have my conscious I would have more fun and make more money.

MacBean's avatar

I’m with @holden. Life would be a lot easier if I didn’t think I suck.

DarkScribe's avatar

@MacBean Life would be a lot easier if I didn’t think I suck.

People who suck are often appreciated. As long as they are female and sexy.

MacBean's avatar

@DarkScribe You know, I thought about changing that wording. Then I decided to leave it, to see how long it would take for someone to make a blowjob joke. XD

augustlan's avatar

From the very little I know of @holden, and my bigger knowledge store of @MacBean, I think it’s safe to say that you are both wrong. :)

I’m with @LKidKyle1985. Morals in general make life much harder.

DarkScribe's avatar

@MacBean Then I decided to leave it, to see how long it would take for someone to make a blowjob joke. XD

What was my score? Timewise.

Like some better known (and less lifelike) people – I can resist anything but temptation…

holden's avatar

aww, thank you, Augustlan! though my feelings often prevail in the face of truth and logic.

YARNLADY's avatar

If I didn’t have such high expectations for myself and others, my life would be much easier.

DominicX's avatar

When I was younger, I had no problem believing in Christianity. It was only after I realized that I was gay, that it became more difficult to believe in it and I started becoming more agnostic. Still, I haven’t discarded it and it’s always going to be there nagging and it makes being homosexual more difficult.

stardust's avatar

If I didn’t believe that animals deserve to be treated the same way as humans, my life would be easier :)

markyy's avatar

I’m not religious, however sometimes I feel religious people have it so easy. Living by a set of rules (the bible, the priest that tells you) seems so much more easier than having to figure it out on your own. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to live by those sets of rules, but I can image living a stress free live not having to continually self-evaluate my thoughts and actions.

I just know I’m going to provoke a lot of responses from religious people that are now offended and feel that I think they don’t think for themselves. I did not say that, not all religious people are like that. Maybe you’re not like that, but surely you must agree there are a lot of people that live by that book without doubt or remorse.

tb1570's avatar

If I didn’t believe, at least occasionally, that life is actually supposed to have some sort of purpose…

Firstandlast's avatar

If I didn’t hold the belief that everyone is good in nature. I would never get hurt again. I could go around town with my shield up and never look anyone in the eye but since I believe that there is good and bad in everybody I am willing to give someone a chance for friendship which can lead to my feelings getting hurt. I grew up in a tight nit family and always had a lot of friends so I expect that to be the case with everyone but of course it is an unrealistic goal.

augustlan's avatar

@Firstandlast Welcome to Fluther!

Just a tip… it’s tight knit.

MacBean's avatar

@augustlan You’re such a knit nit-picker.

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