Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

Has your life ever been turned upside down?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) October 21st, 2009

What happened? What did it? Why do you think of it as turning your life upside-down? Are you glad it happened, or do you wish it had never happened? Was it preventable? Did you make it happen on purpose?

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27 Answers

virtualist's avatar

no, ......... fortunately…... lean times, tough times, uncertain times…... but never totally wreckedturnedupsidedown

SpatzieLover's avatar

Several times.

Luckily one of the reasons is in heaven now…

I own my own home now…so I won’t be without a home to call my own ever again.

404cassie's avatar

well my parents became foster parents (kinda like adoption) to these 2 kids that are my age. Kids who are in the foster homes tend to have some problems with them. These kids had lots of problems that i cant even tell you. It was insanely hard for my family to not just put these kids back into a different foster home. After i learned about them, my perspecitive on life has changed.

SomewhatDamaged's avatar

As an atheist ( Thus not letting myself into the hands of any god, actually granting me with somewhat of a hopelessness even though I do believe in what I believe in )

I have experienced several flips in life, and I would recomend getting into philosophy, as it helps you gain distance even more than learning about psychology, And reading a lot of great books helped me a lot to deal with issues.

I guess I turned it on purpose .. Or ignoring that fact that I knew it would happen, but then again I was just a poor little kid not knowing any better

Sarcasm's avatar

I was just hangin out around a Basketball court one day. A couple of no-good ruffians came up to me and stated causing issues. We got into a bit of an altercation, and my mother decided the best course of action was to send me to live with relatives in a nice part of LA.

Buttonstc's avatar


Sounds just like the plot for The Fresh Prince of Bel Air

Except Will Smiths version rhymes so much better :)

Fred931's avatar

I’ve been on multiple looping roller coasters and funfair rides.

jbradc's avatar

Yes, twice. So now it’s right side up.

benjaminlevi's avatar

@Sarcasm GA! You beat me to it

Menekali's avatar

The minute I found out ground turkey kicks ground beefs ass. Mmmmmmmmmmm!

rangerr's avatar

In a major way, four times.
But I think it’s starting to turn right side up again.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I think the biggest thing for me was when we returned to Iowa from being in Texas for 22 years. I had to leave my dream job of 16 years, leave my home, church & tons of friends I’d made. Coming back to Iowa was a kick in the head. Things here are slower. We were outside of Dallas, & we had tons of great stores & restaurants. It was almost like going into a different culture. It’s been 4 years since the move back. I still miss Texas terribly. That first year was hell & a big adjustment.

augustlan's avatar

@404cassie @SomewhatDamaged @jbradc @Menekali Welcome to Fluther!

I think my life started out upside down. I grabbed it by the throat when I was 13, and have been busy trying to keep it upright ever since. So far, so good.

filmfann's avatar

Me: Single guy living in an apartment enjoying my life.

Event: My fathers death.

Result: I move back home to help my mom deal. I married my gf a year later, so my single life was done.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

yes, and the only consolation is the person responsible taught me a valuable lesson. Of course, it cost me nearly a thousand bucks in psychiatric, medical fees and prescriptions, but I now know whom I can trust. and whom I’d like to see suffer the most excruciating pain possible. But I’m not bitter; life is too short to be bitter. =)

wundayatta's avatar

For all of you who had upheavals, but didn’t describe the circumstances, I’d appreciate it if you would add some more detail to your responses. Thanks.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

@daloon—not gonna do it, already done it elsewhere, no point in reliving the nightmare. Solly.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Mine is currently upside down… for reasons (unfortunately) displayed all over fluther for everyone to peruse. I wish it never happened. It could have been prevented.

jbfletcherfan's avatar


Justnice's avatar

An affair with a married man turned everything upside down for me and him. In the end it all worked out cause we’re together now

augustlan's avatar

I think you know mine. Born into a highly dysfunctional family, sexually abused by an uncle, no one ever did anything about it so when I was 13, I stopped him myself. Spent the next several years certain that he was going to kill me, but he never touched me again. He died several years ago, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Darwin's avatar

Multiple times, starting with moving to the opposite end of the country often enough that I went to 12 schools between kindergarten and 12th grade and never developed a coterie of childhood friends that I can still be in touch with.

Moving with my family to Caracas, Venezuela, instead of diving right in to college.

Deciding to quit a good job, leave my boyfriend behind, and go to graduate school.

Deciding to go on for a PhD. and ending up in Tucson, Arizona, with people who thought I was fat, Jewish, and weird, and a major professor who believed women should not speak until spoken to, and that they should walk three paces behind him.

Deciding to get married and then actually doing it.

Adopting a baby who had a mysterious illness that wasn’t diagnosed for 2½ years, while doctors kept trying to convince me it was because I was a bad mother.

Adopting a second baby who first attempted suicide when he was seven.

Having my husband suddenly go into the hospital for 12 weeks when the above-mentioned babies were 2½ years and 6 months old.

Having my husband suddenly go into a coma with a ruptured and gangrenous gall bladder and being told he had a 10 percent chance of survival.

Having my husband go on dialysis last month.

Life is never dull, certainly, and I have certainly learned a huge amount from each incident.

saraaaaaa's avatar

Indeed it has, 5 years ago my life changed forever. At the time I was devastated but in hindsight it was the best thing that ever happened to me. My life needed to be turned upside down in order for me to get anywhere wish I had known that at the time, but ah well…

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

A few times, I just keep adjusting.

bunnygrl's avatar

I’ve spent the past 8 years or so trying to re-build myself after a long awaited breakdown. It had been coming for some time, life was difficult (understatement of the century), and because I was raised in a family who didn’t talk about anything, we just “got on with things” mental illness wasn’t someting that was talked about.I look back at my life now and I can see as far back as when i was 16 or 17 times when i wanted to die. I hated how I felt without knowing what the feelings were. What brought it to a head was losing my Grandmother/mother/best friend, all wrapped in one tiny beautiful barely 5 foot tall package with a heart as big as the ocean. She’d always been there to listen, and solve all my problems. Then she was gone and I discovered that she’d been protecting me from all kinds of craziness that existed in our family that I had been totally unaware of. She’d tried to tell me in her last weeks, I know that now. Every single day I miss her and every day I get up and concentrate really hard on just getting to the end of the day in one piece. I’m blessed really because I have my hubby. If I didn’t, well I’d stop trying and give up. There would be no point any more. I count my blessings, which are many. Main one being a beautiful blue eyed treasure who loves me, for God only knows what reason. I’m so glad he does though.

YARNLADY's avatar

Both upside down, and 180 turn. When my son was born, I went from feeling completely useless to a pledge to be the best Mom in the world to this tiny, perfect being. Two months later, I lost my husband. If not for the support of my family and this darling son, I would have also been lost.

My sister introduced me to her boyfriend’s roommate, and we promptly fell in love, and married a few months later. After 9 years of wedded bliss, I lost this wonderful man. Once again, if not for my family and son, I too would not be here.

I must be the luckiest person in the world, because a year later, I met my current husband (we recently celebrated our 35th anniversary) and he and I raised my older son and our new baby (now 29 years old), and have welcomed 6 grandchildren into the world.

justme1's avatar

I met my ex boyfriend. He completely tried to ruin my life, tried to take my friends and family away from me, abused me mentally. Yes I am happy I met him now though because if it wasn’t for him I probably wouldn’t be where I am now with my husband

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