Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

Are you watched?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) November 11th, 2009

You know that eerie feeling that someone is watching you? Or maybe you knew that someone was watching you. Or maybe you knew you had been watched but you didn’t know if the watching had stopped.

I think I’m beginning to sound like a parody of… something. Anyway, perhaps some of you have been stalked. Where were you stalked? How did it feel? Do you think internet stalking is different from real life stalking? How so? Did it change what you felt you could do or say? What did you do about it?

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31 Answers

Drawkward's avatar

If I ever am, I’m always watching back.

nzigler's avatar

Of course I’m washed, I’m a very sanitary guy.

Oh? Oh yes, I’m also watched- me and Rockwell.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

I live in the UK…..which means that on a typical day….I am “watched” constantly as I go about my life.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Always, by the Geico money.

Strauss's avatar

Anymore, with the omnipresent “security” cams, it is almost unavoidable to be watched.

nzigler's avatar

@DarlingRhadamanthus Sadly this is not a UK-only phenomena. Us Yankees are watched as well :(

The upside is we have a completely crime-free and 100% safe society! Oh wait. We don’t?

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I have no indication that I’ve ever been stalked. Guess I must be a boring person. :-/

nzigler's avatar

@jbfletcherfan yeah, you are. Why, just the other day, when you were getting the shower, I thought, how dull is jbfletcherfan and I… I’ve said too much.

RedPowerLady's avatar

If someone wants to watch me they deserve what they see, hehe

jlm11f's avatar

I have been stalked in the past. It made me feel paranoid and ruined a year of my life. I never felt so out of control of my own life and even though my friends still laugh about it when it comes up, there are few that realize the major effect it had on me. I am just not one of those people that is easily affected by anything, so it was definitely quite an experience. What I did about it: I confronted the stalker on several occasions and I took measures to reduce our chance of meeting by quitting a job where he knew my shifts etc. He works at that same job now, the same exact shifts as I had.

And currently, I am always being watched. You kind of get used to it. Our school has video cameras inserted in every single nook/crevice, except for the bathrooms I hope. Even all our lectures are recorded (not just the professor talking, even the class that is sitting and learning). Sometimes I randomly wave to what I think is the camera hoping the security guy gets a kick out of it.

Strauss's avatar

Here’s lookin’ at you!

XOIIO's avatar

Whenever I sit in a room alone, I like to yell out “I know your watching!” because if i’m alone there is nobody there to see how stupid I look, but if there is I just scared the crap out of them.

Dr_C's avatar

I was stalked once by a girl i went out with a couple of times. She would park outside my house all night, follow me on dates, leave messages on my car. She would call at all hours of the day and night and on more than one occasion stood on my doorstep drunk and crying. It was not at all fun. I felt bad for her! We had only gone out three times and didn’t really hit it off. Friends told me to call the cops… i never did. I thought she would eventually get over it. Thankfully she did. But for a while there it was pretty tense. She was everywhere!

scamp's avatar

An old boyfriend used to pay people to watch me, so every now and then I am reminded of it and it kind of sppoks me. (looks over shoulder and shivers)

At work, I never know when my boss is going to walk up behind me, so i have to watch my p’s and q’s all the time.

I get a little more creeped out by internet stalking than real life stalking because you can’t see or hear the person stalking you or know what they are up to. Luckily, neither one is happening to me at present ( looks over shoulder again to be sure)

PapaLeo's avatar

I’m an American living in Europe. I take it for granted that I’m being watched. And listened to. And having my phone tapped. And having my emails and other communiques intercepted. And so on . . .

Likeradar's avatar

I don’t think I’ve ever been stalked, internet or otherwise. Apparently if I was stalked, the stalker was really good at it because I have no idea it happened.
To answer your other questions- yeah, I think internet stalking and in-person stalking are very different. You can control your internet persona for the most part- you chose what names to use, your privacy settings, what you share and don’t, what sites to use, etc. I just discovered, and while it creeped me out, it was disconcerting because it could definitley be helpful to an in-person stalker. In-person stalking would be way worse. Changing a residence, job, daily habits, etc would be waaay more disruptive than closing a FB account or something.
But then again, I’ve never been stalked. So correct me if I’m wrong.

Narl's avatar

I like to watch you daloon.

robmandu's avatar

Oooooohhhh… right now, according to Fluther, four people are observing me as I type this.

Judi's avatar

In the 80’s I did singing telegrams for a living. One of the worst assignments was to go into a bar and sing to a guy “one way, or another, i’m gonna find ya, I’m gonna get’cha get’cha get’cha get’cha…..”
I was so relieved when the guy wasn’t there!

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I don’t really know if I’ve been watched but you made me think of an age old movie… Watcher in the Woods. Remember that one?

ccrow's avatar

I’ve never been stalked so far as I know but my dogs watch me closely. You just never know when food might fall on the floor.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Hahaha. I just thought of that Bigs Bunny line: “Didja evah get the feelin’ you wuz bein’ WATCHED!!??” And then Gossamer comes…

Blondesjon's avatar


I’m clocked.

MissAusten's avatar

As far as I know, I’ve never been stalked in any way.

The closest experience I had to being stalked (and I do realize this was nothing like having a true stalker after me) was in college when my sorority nominated me as a homecoming queen candidate. Not even the fall homecoming, but the spring homecoming, and I didn’t win, so please don’t think badly of me for it. Anyway, part of the whole deal involved putting up posters with my photo all over campus so people would in theory vote for me.

One day I was walking to class and saw that one of my posters was missing the attached photo. Later on, somewhere else on campus, I saw another poster where my photo had been taken off. They were just glued on with a glue stick and easy to peel off. Over the week leading up to homecoming, I saw a few more posters with missing photos. None of the other homecoming nominees had their posters messed with as far as I could see. I don’t think it was done by the competition because I can honestly say I wasn’t even in the running to win. I still wonder sometimes who took the photos and what they did with them. ick Do they still have them? Are they on some fraternity house’s secret wall of “potential homecoming queens I’d like to bang?” Oh, I so want to know the truth!! Unless it’s disturbing.

ratboy's avatar

The film Fatal Attraction was based on my experience. Actually, that’s a lie—it was based on my wife’s experience.

When I am being watched, I ascertain the gender of the watcher—if it’s female, I expose myself; otherwise I shift into ninja invisibility mode

Darwin's avatar

When I am upstairs at least one cat is always watching me. When I am downstairs, like @ccrow, all of the dogs watch me intently, hoping I will do something interesting or I will drop food. And my son watches me all the time that he is awake. When he was two, I could understand it, but he is 15 so it is a bit strange. But then he has psychological problems, including being overly attached to me.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

Usually only at work. There are security cameras everywhere, and the inside security people have been known to get bored. While they can’t see me inside the guard house, they can watch me when I wander outside for a cigarette. I usually pick up any garbage I find outside my guard house during my smoke breaks.

I’m sure I am a form of entertainment for them.

LC_Beta's avatar

A creepy homeless-looking guy used to follow me to work. Eventally my boss became concerned and gave me a special parking pass so I could avoid the guy.

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