General Question

poofandmook's avatar

An internal struggle: To decorate, or not?

Asked by poofandmook (17320points) November 23rd, 2009

I am a staunch believer in my holidays arriving in the correct order. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and then Christmas. This year, I’m so excited about Christmas, that I am dying to start decorating now. A few days before Thanksgiving. Essentially becoming a giant hypocrite after yelling at my roommate last week for putting up Christmas stuff in the dining room.

What would you do? Would you wait until Friday? Or would you say, eff it and just decorate when you want to?

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22 Answers

Dog's avatar

I decorated yesterday. I figured if Starbucks was doing it I could. <-Hangs head in shame

poofandmook's avatar

[hugs Dog] are you a hypocrite too?

Dog's avatar

Sniff.. Yes.

(but the house looks awesome!)

poofandmook's avatar

Don’t worry, I won’t judge! Post pictures!

syz's avatar

Bah! Humbug!

DominicX's avatar


December 1st for me ALWAYS.

Eh, just do it when you want to.

Dog's avatar

Usually I do not get around to decorating till I am the last in the neighborhood. By then it is a chore and I really do not enjoy it. But this year I just wanted to not stress about it and actually enjoy the season so I was the first!

You cannot see the lights because it is not dark but here is the front yard.

faye's avatar

Wow, where’s the snow???

RedPowerLady's avatar

Tell your roommate what an arse you are and decorate! Do what makes you happy!

ubersiren's avatar

The Rockettes did their holiday kick off performance at Radio City Music Hall. You’re now free to do it whenever you want. I find it perfectly acceptable to have decorations up for Thanksgiving. Or any time you want, really. Like @RedPowerLady said, do what makes you happy, darnit!

aprilsimnel's avatar

Oh, gosh, don’t feel bad. Do what you want.

sdeutsch's avatar

Do it! For us, Christmas comes as soon as my husband’s birthday is over (Nov. 12th). I love Christmastime so much, he knows it would kill me to wait until after Thanksgiving, so as long as his birthday is Christmas-free, it’s all good.

Definitely do what makes you happy – and what makes you happy is totally allowed to change. Nothing hypocritical about that!

avvooooooo's avatar

Do it inside, but not outside. Outside after Thanksgiving!

scamp's avatar

Do it! I’ll shop for the shiny paper tomorrow so you can make our cubes look good like you did last year! I still have the little ornaments under my desk.. way in the back on the right. You can get them out if you want to.

filmfann's avatar

Thanksgiving is late this year. Decorate inside now!

faye's avatar

I was driving in a residential area of my city today and saw the ‘Griswald’s’ house. you go for it.

poofandmook's avatar

@scamp: I already got shiny paper today.

poofandmook's avatar

my mini tree is up on my desk… my Christmas beanies are out… I have lights and ribbon wrapped around the ugly random pole behind my desk… lol… later on it’s the paper and garland and lights on the cubicle wall.


I’m a hypocrite

Dog's avatar

Feels good doesn’t it?

john65pennington's avatar

But, when do you take down your Christmas decorations? My neighbor leaves his Christmas outdoor decorations up until spring. He states that Christmas only comes once a year. This is true, but a 6 month outdoor light celebration is ridiculous.

throwpillowmafia's avatar

It’s your home. If you want to do the Christmas decorating in July, then do it!

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