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kayyyyleigh's avatar

Was this wrong for the teacher to do?

Asked by kayyyyleigh (404points) November 30th, 2009 from iPhone

in my psychology class, it’s a very open discussion where we are allowed to talk about sex, drugs, alcohol, anything like that as long as we don’t use other peoples names. the teacher is not someone I particularly like, having him previously I learned that no matter what you thought, HE was right.
well one day we were discussing parents, and he was asking questions, such as who has a set curfew, and recording the number of kids who raised their hands. one was, how many of you have snuck out of the house. after he recorded the number, he then procceded to tell us that “if we have snuck out, that is the worst we can do,” and we were, “morally wronged children” and “should be ashamed of such.”
is it wrong for him to be so harsh in his response to a group of HIGH SCHOOL students?

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19 Answers

sliceswiththings's avatar

Yes, that is wrong if he has encouraged open sharing.

Allie's avatar

Meh. His opinion is exactly that – his opinion. You’ll encounter people who have their heads up their ass are quite full of themselves all your life. Don’t let it phase you.

DominicX's avatar

All I can say is he sounds like a major self-righteous douchebag. I wouldn’t take anything he says seriously. He shouldn’t ask the question if all he’s going to do is berate the people who answer it a certain way.

tinyfaery's avatar

Secret: teachers are just people—f’d up like all the rest of us. Do the classwork and don’t listen to anything else.

arnbev959's avatar

Do you think it’s such a bad thing to sneak or to have sneaked out of the house?

Who cares what he thinks?

edit: I should add that I don’t think it’s wrong for him to say that—he is entitled to his opinion—but I wouldn’t pay any attention to it.

Supacase's avatar

Was it wrong? Not really, but it wasn’t the best decision if he wants to encourage open sharing in his class. Students are less likely to share if they think they will be judged – and rightly so. He is a fool if he thinks sneaking out is the worst thing a teenager can do, though.

SeventhSense's avatar

I don’t know but I’m telling Mom.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

He thinks that sneaking out of the house is the worst thing a middle schooler can do?

Arguably, it’s really terrible for a parent to get a call from the police at 3 am that they picked up your child or that your child was in a car accident, when you’re absolutely certain that child’s safe in bed, only to find out they’re not. It’s a betrayal of trust that’s very hard to overcome. Surely could have done a better job of discussing the trust aspect than “morally wronged.”

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

He went about it in the wrong way for sure. He basically tricked the kids into admitting something that he already had a set opinion about and knew what his intentions were. To make them feel like they were morally wronged children is morally wrong on his part!

tinyfaery's avatar

Teacher is a troll.

poisonedantidote's avatar

tell him that warping kids minds by making them feel guilty about perfectly normal things is much worse.

rooeytoo's avatar

I think @PandoraBoxx hit the nail exactly on the head! GA

tb1570's avatar

Simply put, your teacher is a jack-ass. Do you go to a religious school of some sort?

kayyyyleigh's avatar

even worse. public school.

LostInParadise's avatar

This is a psychology class, not a theology class. He raises an interesting issue, which could have led to a good class discussion related to trust and responsibility, but by casting it in terms of morality he defeats his own purpose. Now students can sneak out and not only defy their parents but this self-righteous teacher as well.

trapped's avatar

Yes, he was wrong.. noone not even a teacher has a right to judge you…

LeopardGecko's avatar

Yes, he is wrong. You cannot ask questions in which there could be an offensive answer, especially if you’re a teacher. If he is a psychology teacher he should also know that you shouldn’t comment negatively on parenting styles or attitudes. I would bring it up with his superiors and see if you can get him out of there.

mollypop51797's avatar

Yea. It’s wrong and unfair to judge you by your honest answer.

kalrbing's avatar

No, he was simply trying to encourage you to do better. I’m sure sneaking out had something to do with the lesson or topic for the day. He probably just wanted to make sure he didn’t just join in and agree that it was ok. He wanted to be adult about the situation.

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