Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

What are some of the things that inspired the greatest passions you’ve ever felt in your life?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) December 2nd, 2009

I think the greatest passions I have ever had were inspired by women. However, there are other, not quite greatest passions, inspired by other things like making music, political work, and the appreciation of an audience.

One of the contradictions in me is the juxtaposition between my need for passion and my need for stability. Sometimes—perhaps when I am fearful—I crave security and stability. Other times, I feel like dying (depression) and I want to throw over my whole life and either slowly descend into God-knows-what, or find a new passion that lifts me into the stratosphere.

Passion for a woman seems to inspire other things like passion for writing and passion for music, although, that’s not the only thing that inspires such passion. There is another drive inside—a drive left over from childhood—that also inspires me to do something great. That inspiration also makes me hopeless when I think about the that I can not do anything good enough to meet that drive. Oddly, there are times when I feel like I can do it. Mostly, though, it’s the other way around.

The desire to be loved—or appreciated—kicks my butt a lot, too. It’s part of the reason why I participate in social networking sites like fluther. I have always wanted to be wise—ever since I can remember. The only test for wisdom, I think, is if people—a significant number of people—value what you have to say.

Related to the desire to be wise is the desire to tell the truth. To be fully myself. To not have to hide anything because of my fear of disapproval. I’m not able to do that in real life, yet, but I can pretend to do it (i.e., virtually do it) online.

I think I was always like this, but in the past it wasn’t so urgent. Now, perhaps due to age, or perhaps due to mental illness, these drives are pushing me with much greater force.

Ok, I’ve mentioned love (women, in my case), politics (doing good), artistic impulses (getting outside of myself), stability, childhood michegoss, fluther, approval, truth, age, and mental illness as some of the things that inspire the greatest passions in me. I look at this list and am somewhat amazed. I never really thought about all the things that drive me to passion. And they do drive me—often in an out-of-control way, which makes me feel like things matter (another motivator).

This is a long list—longer than I had intended. When I first formulated this question in my mind, I asked about the greatest inspiration. I changed that because I wanted to give people more room to think. Maybe I shouldn’t have. Anyway, like I said at the very beginning, if I had to choose the greatest inspiration, I would have to say women.

What gives rise to the greatest passions in your life?

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20 Answers

Axemusica's avatar

Well as you know I’m a musician, passion is practically my life, so I couldn’t say that any one thing would be more inspirational than the next. I could give a bit of an idea as you so did here.

Now, think about music you’ve listened to that really touched you and you felt that, pain, happiness, sorrow, ect…. That’s most likely because that’s happened to them. As I pop up more here on fluther I’m sure people seem to notice that I’m not always in the best of situations and so the story of my life goes.

In the beginning of my passionate uprising I was an artist. I would draw and paint and create things for hours. I was about 9 when I started this. I was grounded a lot and had paper and pencils and stuff in my room that was pretty much my life. I was really good, but then I discovered the guitar around the age 11. Then I started sneaking out of being grounded to go over to a friends house that had a guitar just to play it for hours on end. I didn’t really know how to play to well at the time, but it was a great release from my terrible home life. As time went on I eventually got a guitar, one that I wasn’t happy with, but it was better than being without. My step mother would constantly scorn me, “you’ll never amount to anything” “you’ll never make it anywhere by playing that”, ect ect. That was a big drive for me. Also being this was during the teenage years, puppy love and teenage drama was a big motivation to play longer and harder and more raw emotional.

Eventually, I grew up and the passion changed. Into more of a instrument of love, not literally speaking, but figuratively. There was a time I stopped playing for a year or so and my life was lacking. I was utterly depressed and was not happy with life at all. When I was reunited with my love the guitar this is when I found this new passion. I never felt so happy. Even if I just had something horrible happen to me and playing it out on the strings. I also write lyrics, which can be very passionate in a state of high emotion.

When I play in front of people, it’s the most satisfying feeling. To be able to lay it all out before others and have them really enjoy what you’ve done for them is a feeling I cannot explain. You just feel it. The passion. It’s like an exchange of it. Between you and them.

Even if I don’t make it as a musician. I will play until I die and die trying to bring my passion to those in need of it.

…because lets face it. Where would life be without music?

flameboi's avatar

cars, women, women on cars (in that particular order) :D

Snarp's avatar

When I was young it was women, and politics certainly fire me up, but the thing that inspires the greatest passion I’ve felt in my life is my son.

marinelife's avatar

Books, music, travel and my marriage.

CMaz's avatar

Failure has always sparked passion.

kevbo's avatar

Sadly, this is something I hardly think about (at least in these terms). I suppose one common thread I can point to is a sense of social justice (and other ideas) derived primarily from books and film. From simply crying after reading “The Outsiders” to the study of third world cinema (and minority cinema in first world society) to digesting Solzhenitzen’s writings about Russia’s network of gulags to conspiracy lit, I’ve long had sensitivity to offshoots of colonialism and hegemony.

Another thread would be the stories of Peace Pilgrim, Ghandi and the like.

Also, I really should have been a surfer in the early 50s.

Somehow, though, I either never got the message to act or just had the rug pulled out by chronic illness without really understanding what was happening with that and how to manage it.

Chatfe's avatar

Seeing someone else live a better life as a result of something I helped with. That’s pretty cool.

sjmc1989's avatar

A horrible 2 year relationship that I made the catastrophic mistake of stifling who I really was to be in. Everything I am and how I think about relationships is because of that ex. I had to relearn all of my passions again.

Facade's avatar

Accomplishment. The feeling that I’m good at something. And enjoyment of the activity as well.

wildpotato's avatar

Snow, progressive rock, and perception-altering experiences.

Christian95's avatar

a coin.A few months ago I’ve spin a coin and discovered that it has a very interesting movement(like a planet on its orbit around a star but more irregular).So I start to think at an equation which describes the coin’s movement.Unluckily because I don’t know enough math or physics I couldn’t find one but I’m still searching.

Jude's avatar

After high school, the plan was to go to University for Psychology. The goal, to become a clinical psychologist. While attending University, I worked as an educational assistant part-time. I got to work with my old 2nd grade teacher. So cool. My group was made up of kids with ADHD, FAS, and learning disabilities. I got so much out of that experience and loved everything about it. It was extremely rewarding. My former teacher/now fellow teacher said to me that I have a natural gift when it comes to dealing with children. I’m kind, patient, understanding, that I connected really well with her kids, and that “this” (teaching) was where I was meant to be. She wrote a wonderful letter of recommendation when I decided to go onto to teacher’s college.

That one experience, that one year, sparked my passion to become an educator.

RedPowerLady's avatar

Culture (but i think many here know that already, lol)

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Climbing Trees
My business
A few partners

Blondesjon's avatar


Grisaille's avatar

Seeing someone play the guitar masterfully sparked a passion for… well, guitar.

Everything else is fuel for the passion to learn.

mattbrowne's avatar

Inventing a science fiction plot.

DancinNymph's avatar

Dancing comes from deep drives my spirit, my soul and my will
What else…hmmm, being with someone as crazy and energized as me…

smilingheart1's avatar

The loss of some key people in my life caused me to become quite interested in genealogy for awhile.

Inspired_2write's avatar

What inspired me to write was a mystery that I discovered that was in our Family History.
I am still researching to solve that mystery for 15 – 20 years and had hit a dead end.
I now will produce a book to generate an interest in solving this problem that had not been solved since the beginning in the year 1707.
My family descends from this lineage and thousands of people were affected.
There are so many people that still do not know and in some cases forgot there roots.

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