General Question

serenityNOW's avatar

Whom do I put on the front of a digital card?

Asked by serenityNOW (3643points) December 8th, 2009

I’m giving my mom a photo card this year (from iPhoto on the Mac.) Do I put myself on the cover? It seems kind of weird. I have a cool one with my brother and I and I’m thinking that would make her happy. Thoughts, Ideas, Experience…?

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3 Answers

fireinthepriory's avatar

Your mom is probably the one person to whom it is totally OK to give a card with yourself (or you and your brother) on the cover! She’ll love it, I know mine would.

On a related note, every few years I take portraits of all my sibs, frame them, and give them to my mom for Christmas. She loves it every time.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

One year for Christmas my sister and I gave my parents a calendar with pictures of the two of us growing up throughout the years. They loved it, and both cried. My dad still has the calendar on the wall, even though it’s years old now, and he still switches the months.

Go for it. Make her feel like “mommy” again – I’m sure she’ll love it. :)

PandoraBoxx's avatar

@DrasticDreamer, the idea of the calendar is making me verklempt, and I’m not even your mom. :-)

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