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AstroChuck's avatar

Why is the pee-pee dance so effective?

Asked by AstroChuck (37659points) December 9th, 2009 from iPhone

Much of the day here it has been in the upper 30’s, which is pretty damn cold for Sacramento. As many of you know I carry the US mail, and due to the cold I’ve had to hit the restroom a little more frequently than usual on my route today. Most of my route is walking and at one point, not long before a bathroom break, I came up to this apartment cluster box, where I just stand and drop the mail inside. As soon as I stopped to open the box I realized just how badly I needed to evacuate my bladder. Now I don’t want to dance around and look silly so I just kind of rocked back and forth from my left foot to my right and vice versa in order to squelch some of the urgency while standing there. Anyway, afterwards I went on my merry way and was okay for the next few minutes as I was back to walking. Shortly afterwards I came to the business on my route where I can do my business. And that is just what I did. During this heavenly emission I began wondering why moving around seems to relieve some of the discomfort of a full bladder, whether doing the full blown pee-pee dance or just walking.
So, now that I’m empty for the time being, I ask you why this is.

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16 Answers

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Doing something else with your body takes some of the focus off of pee, so hopefully you don’t wet yourself. And you really don’t want to pee yourself in 30 degree weather!

Kayak8's avatar

Wow, I have long used the dance but never knew that it worked for guys . . . thanks for the enlightment Astrochuck . . .

AstroChuck's avatar

@Kayak8- I really haven’t enlightened anyone. I was hoping somebody could enlighten me.

eponymoushipster's avatar

because it removes the constant pressure and distributes it across other parts.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

We know entirely too much about your bladder habits, Chuck. Bwaahahhaaaaa….....

Skippy's avatar

I’ll tell you @AstroChuck, but please, don’t tell anyone else, OK?

Monday in Cincinnati, we had a front go thru with ice and snow showers. Cincy drivers SUCK in the snow, so I waited 2 hours to leave. The kids were on delay anyway. SO in that time, I had extra coffee. I should have waited 3 hours. On my trip in, 35 miles on the interstate, I saw an 18 wheeler jacknifing and sliding down a hill on the interstate, taking cars with him. I sat on an overpass for 30 minutes while waiting for that truck to finally stop. Many off the side of the road, and barely went 45 the entire way.

Get to my exit and I have to goooooo. 1 mile to McDonalds,,2 miles to the office. I choose Mc’D’s. Get into the ladies room and of course there’s a line. My eyes are watering, I’m dancing a jig like never before, and the 3 women in line look at me. I said, “2.5 hours on the interstate – I can’t wait I’ll go to the mens room”
A voice from in a stall hollers, I’m coming out and will button up out there, come on in honey!”

RELIEF…..the dance, hopping from leg to leg, and squirming in my seat,,,,


Facade's avatar

Couldn’t men just “manually” prevent themselves from peeing? [immature little girl giggle]

YARNLADY's avatar

Ya know, I went to Google to see what I could find. Hooo Boy, everybody talks about it, but nobody explains it. Even dogs do it. hahaha.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@Facade that’d be like putting your finger over a hose. it sprays everywhere.

Facade's avatar

haha, gross

faye's avatar

Anything that will take your mind off the need works too. My mom used to cup her groin as well as dance. Maybe she was trying to ‘manually hold it in’!

Ansible1's avatar

lol the first time I read this as: “Why is the pee-wee dance so effective?” ....Tequila!

sakura's avatar

@PandoraBoxx that was soo funny it realy brightned my day !

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