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wundayatta's avatar

What kinds of everyday things do you do that put you in a trance state?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) December 10th, 2009

I like to do pattern recognition things. I like watching the surface of moving water. I also like playing spider solitaire. That can put me in a trance it is very difficult to life myself out of.

What kinds of things you do in your life put you into a meditative or trance like state? Do you seek these things out? Why or why not? What do you think of other people who zone out using these kinds of techniques?

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28 Answers

DominicX's avatar

I don’t really ever do it on purpose, but listening to classical music like Shostakovich’s symphonies or something along those lines can put me in a bit of trance. I certainly don’t mind it, but I don’t seem to ever seek it out. It is nice and relaxing, though, even though Shostakovich’s music tends to be tense, atonal, creepy, and wild.

Also, believe it or not, working on Photoshop can do this to me. I’ll completely forget about everything and all distractions will be gone as I spend a long time editing a photo on Photoshop. Even reading about certain things on Wikipedia, such as languages, can do this.

erichw1504's avatar

IMDB can put me in a trance-like, web-surfing state by searching for Bruce Willis films and ending up at Casablanca while an hour passes with little or no notice at all.

CMaz's avatar


jrpowell's avatar

I like mopping and doing the dishes. I get in a zone and my body goes on cruise control and my mind wanders. Before I know it the kitchen is spotless.

erichw1504's avatar

I second driving, love to drive.

J0E's avatar

I always turn into a vegetable when I’m watching TV. I also agree with @DominicX about Photoshop, I can end up spending hours on that.

erichw1504's avatar

Programming/Building web pages. I could code all night.

buckyboy28's avatar

eBay. I spend hours looking for obscure crap that I could never imagine myself ever owning or wanting to own.

erichw1504's avatar

I spend a lot (too much) time scanning over hundreds of articles in my RSS reader.

75movies's avatar

Similar to the Photoshop thing, when I am editing video time just loses all meaning.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

Watching tv, Fluther, cleaning

lovemypits86's avatar

cleaning and taking a shower.

lunabean's avatar

Designing in Photoshop puts me in a trance mode.

gemiwing's avatar

Art, photography, watching the fireplace, cleaning, reading or playing a game. Pretty much anything out there can make me zoom in and lose track of everything else. I could lay on the floor and poke at the rug fibers for hours if I let myself.

mcbealer's avatar

doing the dishes

mowing the lawn with a pushmower

making beaded jewelry

riding my bike on a quiet trail

editing photography


almost forgot: driving on long roadtrips
I once drove from MD to Miami, FL with only 1 stop for a restroom break/fuel in 19 hrs and another time from MD to St. Louis, MO straight through

faye's avatar

Kneading bread, washing dishes, watching boring tv.and listening to someone tell me their dreams.[sleep]

mcbealer's avatar

oops! one more… ironing (pressing) clothes sick, I know…

erichw1504's avatar

Monotonous video games.

ekans's avatar


hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Folding laundry
Snipping tags of clothes
Cleaning my dresser drawers

mclaugh's avatar

being on the bus(public transportation) puts me in the biggest trance.. just watching people come in and go out for an hour or so is weirdly amusing but it gets old very quickly.

janbb's avatar

When I am painting is about the only time I am in a trance state; that is I am fullyin the moment and not obsessing about other things in my mind.

zookeeny's avatar

Painting definatly puts me in a trace I can do it for hours then suddenly realise hours have passed when I start making little mistakes in details I look at the time. Same happens when I play Tetris and other similar mindless games. Supermarket shopping can have that effect sometimes too when I have forgotten my list and I wonder aimlessly. Im a pretty trancey person – have been since being a kid. I zoned out in high school daydreaming about nothing then would look at the clock and realise only 5 mins left of that lesson to go and I had barely put pen on paper!

I am actually prone to it as I have post traumatic stress and trances or dissociative episodes come over me every now and then – have been know to loose weekends when I was really unwell. Thats probably not the good kind of trance you are talking about though!

YCLYHO's avatar

harvest my crops on farmville (fb):)

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