General Question

desiree333's avatar

Can I burn my movie purchases from iTunes onto a disc? And how?

Asked by desiree333 (3241points) December 10th, 2009

I’ve bought so many movies, but I feel its pointless not to be able to watch them on a TV, a computer really isn’t the same..

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8 Answers

PrancingUrchin's avatar

Well you can watch them on a computer assuming you have a graphics card that is relatively new (within ~2–3 years) but I do not believe you can directly burn iTunes movies to disc because of DRM but I’ve never bought movies/videos from iTunes myself. If someone has personal experience that would be more useful. Depending on your outputs, you would probably need a VGA/DVA or HDMI cable and have a matching input on your tv. Connect them, change to the proper input on your tv and restart your computer. It should be good to go and you can now watch your purchased movies on your tv.

buckyboy28's avatar

Can’t be done because of copyright issues. This is why apple created Apple TV.

master_mind413's avatar

because of copyright issues it will not allow you to “burn” but you can back up a file onto a blank dvd with the right software

limeaide's avatar

I own this product and it works: Tunebite. Stinks you have to buy something to do this but it works. BTW – the site says it uses technology to legally make a non drm copy.

Once you convert to a non drm copy you still need to burn to DVD, for ease of use I use DVDflick. Add a title to DVDflick and burn DVD.

Another option would be to just copy the non drm file you created with tunebite to a flash drive or a CD or DVD and play on a player that supports video files like this: jWIN JDVD Player with USB port.

desiree333's avatar

I thought that you could burn purchases onto a DVD because under the tab “purchases” it lists all the movies/episodes you’ve bought and at the bottom theres a button that says “burn onto disc”.

limeaide's avatar

@desiree333 That’s for burning music onto CDs not movies onto DVDs. It should be for movies as well but that’s the way it is.

desiree333's avatar

@limeaide wow, thats the last time I waste $10 on a movie that I can only watch on my little laptop screen :O

limeaide's avatar

@desiree333 I think they’re hoping you buy an AppleTV box. Also, you could play on a HTPC (home theater PC).

BTW – if you have an iPod that plays videos they have kits that will hook them to a TV that would work too…

Overall, I don’t buy movies from them, I have bought some from Amazon but I have a Roku player and a Sony TV that let me to stream to my tv.

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