General Question

AstroChuck's avatar

Why don't we snore while awake?

Asked by AstroChuck (37635points) December 12th, 2009 from iPhone

As my wife began drifting off while riding beside me in the passenger seat, she snored, just once, loudly and abruptly woke herself up. I, being who I am, laughed at her. I then started wondering why we only seem to snore when we are asleep, or when in a half-sleep, but not when awake.
Any thoughts on this?

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20 Answers

Zen_Again's avatar

Actually, Chuck, my ex does.

iRemy_y's avatar

we snore because wen u breath in while laying down the air tunnel vibrates causing air to enter staggered. I’ve herd that if you sleep with an arm under your pillow it will stop the snoring. also we only snore while facing up while sleeping. you may not realize it but you are constantly holding up muscles in your body when you’re awake. while sleeping, all the muscles are relaxed and this causes the vibrations.

AstroChuck's avatar

@iRemy_y- I don’t know about that. I often fall asleep in my chair even when it isn’t reclined. My wife was sitting upright next to me in the car and still began to snore.

sndfreQ's avatar

Like iRemy_y describes, the muscles relax when you fall asleep, including the tongue; the back of your tongue settles into the throat, partially blocking the airway, and thus causing the vibration. Turning on your side can help in most cases, but for chronic snorers, the thickness of the tongue blocks the airway either way.

Not everyone has the genetics or weight issues that cause this thick tongue/fat issue, so non-snorers don’t obstruct the airway as with snorers.

Gabstar's avatar

i totally do snore when im awake ;) ahahahaha
kidding. i guess you’re just conscious of what you’re doing

sevenfourteen's avatar

I do that exact thing all the time!!! All it takes is that one and I’m wide awake again… I also sigh loudly which sounds almost like a moan if I’m dead tired when I’m about to fall asleep and that wakes me up too.

NUNYA's avatar

I guess cause I don’t snore when I sleep either. For me that is why. :-)

MacBean's avatar

@iRemy_y: I don’t face up when I sleep, and I snore HORRIBLY (and also have apnea). Also, I sleep with my arm under my head. So you heard wrong.

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

I think snoring has to do with the position of lying down and the position your breathing tubes and shit are in. When you lie down they kinda get pressed together and it makes you snore. Standing up shit is all open and air can pass more freely.

pouncey's avatar

Becaue your not lying down while your awake.

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

@pouncey and anyone else that reads this…..
You know what just occured to me??? What about people who like lie down on the couch and watch tv or whatever. Why don’t they snore????

deni's avatar

because then we are conscious of how AWFUL IT SOUNDS instead of being unaware of how loud and terrible we’re being

sndfreQ's avatar

Because your tongue muscle is a voluntary muscle held in place by habit. When you lose consciousness you cease to control it.

YARNLADY's avatar

I do, when I lean back in my recliner while participating on Fluther, I get so totally relaxed that I inadvertantly let out a snort that can only be called a snore. Thank goodness, I’m usually alone at the time.

sndfreQ's avatar

@YARNLADY perhaps it’s just a snortle (a snore, chortle and chuckle all rolled into one!)

Garebo's avatar

I bet she said she wasn’t snoring.
Only time I ever snore awake is faking it on a long family road trip-it always wakes me up laughing at the reaction.

deni's avatar

@Garebo hahahah i do the same!

AstroChuck's avatar

ZZZzzzzzzzzzz…snuh..wuh? I’m sorry.

Axemusica's avatar

From what I understand from the many bed guests I’ve had in my life, I only snore when I passout drunk. Other times I can have full conversations with someone and not be aware of it. I don’t tell newer bed guests about that trait, um or, defect, lol.

Has nothing really to do with snoring while awake. Just thought I’d share it, lol.

doesnotmakesenseatall's avatar

One of the small mercies of God. **laughs**

The actual reason has already been given by many members above, makes no sense in repeating it, I guessed. **winks**

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