Meta Question

SABOTEUR's avatar

How are "questions for you" selected?

Asked by SABOTEUR (14378points) December 15th, 2009

Am I being prompted to answer randomly selected questions or are these questions selected by someone who thinks I might have an answer?

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5 Answers

absalom's avatar

Selection is based on the information in your profile and answers that you’ve previously contributed. I am prompted to answer grammar questions, for example, because I have grammar as one of my interests. Lately I have been prompted to answer AnswerBag questions, also, because I’ve tried to be active in some AB questions (although obviously AB isn’t in my profile). And lastly if someone in your fluther has asked the question or answered it, it may show up in ‘Questions for You’ (I think).

Presumably the more time you spend on Fluther, the better it will get to know what kind of questions you want to answer.

YARNLADY's avatar

Here is the link to the official answer.

SABOTEUR's avatar

@YARNLADY Excuse me while I wipe egg off my face

That’s one of the first things I read upon arrival to Fluther. Have to learn to pay attention, huh?

Thank you!

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

It must be basing off of what I’ve answered so far, mostly AB-related stuff. It has yet to send me a question in my specialties, but then I’ve only been here four days.

SABOTEUR's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land: That’s probably correct.

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