Social Question

jca's avatar

Do you like getting holiday cards with photos of people's children and families, or do you not care about seeing the family photos and prefer a regular card instead?

Asked by jca (36062points) December 24th, 2009

as a mother of a young child, i have been sending photo cards since the baby was born. most people give an enthusiastic reaction about how they love seeing the photos, she is so cute, etc. but i remember before i had a baby, i really didn’t care one way or the other if i saw people’s kids’ pictures. maybe appreciating the photos comes from having my own child, i am not sure, but i now look at other people’s photos and am interested in what the kids look like and how they grow.

i am wondering if other Fluther members prefer regular holiday cards, or if you all like to see your friends and family’s photos.

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26 Answers

marinelife's avatar

I love to get photos with my cards. I love it when people put photos in their holiday letters too. I especially love seeing how the children grow from year to year.

rangerr's avatar

As long as the kids are cute.

I don’t like normal, boring cards. Picture cards are the only ones I keep.

StupidGirl's avatar

It depends on how much I like ‘em. When I don’t I prefer no card at all. When I do I prefer something better than a card. So basically the only ones sending me cards are businesses and nowadays they do it electronically and most of the time they don’t show they’re face and no I wouldn’t want ‘em to unless they’re really sexy.
In short, I don’t like cards and this whole commercially hyped season at all.

pjanaway's avatar

Most my family is on Facebook, everyone just uploads photos there. No point in sending them :)

Likeradar's avatar

If I get a card, I like it to be the picture kind.

But I don’t care for getting holiday cards- it’s wasteful and I really dislike how most people don’t even write anything personal or even hand sign them. “Hey look, I thought of you so much that I sent you something completely impersonal.” Yippie, thanks so much.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t care either way.

AstroChuck's avatar

Photos are great and I enjoy receiving them. What turns me off is when a card is accompanied by some form letter telling me that Rudy just lost two front baby teeth and Lauren has changed her major to language arrts and Richie just got promoted to head groundskeeper while Cheryl has entered her third trimester, etc, etc… Do people actually read those letters anyway?

mowens's avatar

I like the thought, but would prefer a call.

It is a waste of money. :( There are people who could use the money spent on all those cards.

rooeytoo's avatar

I love to see everyone’s photos. That’s why I asked this question.

stemnyjones's avatar

Before I had my daughter, I didn’t care either way about the pictures… but now that I have a kid, I actually do like receiving pictures of other people’s kids and families. I don’t know, I guess family means more to me now that I have my own.

Kelly_Obrien's avatar

Photos. The human touch is just the best…

(and enclosing a check would be nice)

eLenaLicious's avatar

Well, it’s not really a tradition in my family…we usually just send boxes with food and clothes to our less fortunate relatives in the Philippines :P my grandparents in Cali stopped sending us gifts.

deni's avatar

Id rather see a picture of the pet

gailcalled's avatar

@deni: Mile here; I’m glad you asked.

(If you’d like me to autograph it, just tell me.)

deni's avatar

@gailcalled autograph PLEASE! what a beautiful specimen!

chyna's avatar

@gailcalled Milo is beautiful.

gailcalled's avatar

@deni @chyna : You’re both five minutes too late. In spite of mouse # 50, which I found dead and really frozen outside this AM, Milo is in the doghouse now.

Keeping to the pattern of cutting a nail a day, I just tried to cut nail # 8. Milo successfully jabbed a razor-sharp claw into my thumb. Note blood on this note.

The best part of that pic is the Apostle Iris that is blooming in back, to the right. It is a rare flower.

chyna's avatar

No, no Milo. Bad cat. Do not stab Gail.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I love to see pictures of friends and family. I’m extra pleased to get picture cards from those who don;t have albums of Facebook or MySpace.

Naked_Homer's avatar

I love seeing the pics. I like seeing how they have changed.

cookieman's avatar

I prefer photo cards even if you don’t have children. I’d like a photo of your pet or you and your SO too. Especially if I see you rarely.

I agree that a personal note would be nice, but I don’t know a single person who’d have the time to personalize dozens of cards (I know I don’t).

I completely agree with @AstroChuck on the annual update form letter. Everyone I’ve ever received just drips in self importance.

john65pennington's avatar

I love the regular Christmas cards for only one reason. if i see the photos of my family and friends on a card, it reminds me each year that their children are growing taller and i am growing older.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Photo cards of young children or babies can be cute but I have to admit that I find photo cards of whole families really irritating. I don’t know why it just seems a bit pretentious to me!

DominicX's avatar

My parents always send photos of our family in the cards. Makes it more personal that way and I know my relatives and such; they love seeing the photos. My parents love seeing photos of their kids.

Likeradar's avatar

@Leanne1986 I had never thought of it but including the whole family does kinda take it from “look how cute the kids are” to “look how gorgeous we all are.” Or maybe people do the whole family shot because they’re sending their self-indulgent cards to so many people, they know some people won’t recognize them by name only.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Likeradar That is possible I agree. I just find it a bit sickly is all!

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