General Question

simone54's avatar

Can a camera that got wet be repaired?

Asked by simone54 (7642points) December 25th, 2009

I got my digital camera wet and it fried it. I am assuming it is just impossible to ever repair but I thought I’d ask anyway.

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6 Answers

Dog's avatar

Extremely slim shot here but if it just got wet put it in a bag of uncooked rice for a week then try it.

Pretty_Lilly's avatar

Like most electronics it will cost much more to repair than to replace.

deni's avatar

a point and shoot camera will cost around 200 dollars to repair. just buy a new one. if it’s film or an SLR though, it might be worth it.

coolbeans's avatar

Rice has always served me well in the past so @Dog is right

joeysefika's avatar

Depends, if you dropped electronics in water without a battery in it, if you dried it and put the battery back in, it would work. If the battery was in there and it was off there is a chance it will still work but your battery would be fried.
I’ve found it best to put it in the cupboard with the water heater in it wrapped in towels. But the rice idea sounds like a good plan. Either way look into getting a new battery or borrowing a battery to see if it still functions

whitrglove's avatar

looking at answers on getting my digital camera wet, I have heard rice would do wonders, what if a grain gets into the camera what then? My camers got damp while I was fishing, it has letters, numbers unreadable but still takes pics, but they are weird too, flash works,will take a pic, cuts off by itself, so tell me again if rice will dry it out or can it be taken apart to dry out?

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