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john65pennington's avatar

The Steering Wheel Falls In Your Lap...What Do You Do?

Asked by john65pennington (29263points) December 27th, 2009

You are traveling down the interstate at 70 mph and suddenly the steering wheel on your vehicle falls into your lap. what do you do and what are your first words?

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25 Answers

gemiwing's avatar

I try to shove it back on! Then I say ‘shit’ repeatedly.

JustPlainBarb's avatar

Probably, “Oh Sh_t!!!” Then I’d probably try to put it back and apply the brakes slowly and hope my alignment is OK so I stay in a relatively straight line.

Seek's avatar

“God dammit…” and then I hope no one in in the lanes to the left of me. My car has horrible alignment, and pulls to the left. At least it’ll get me off the road fairly safely – provided of course there are no guardrails. Those things almost always cause more harm than good.

Seek's avatar

To the right, rather. It pulls to the right. Damned dyscalculia.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

* Foot off the throttle.
* Gentle braking, knowing that my alignment is good.
* Shove the steering wheel back on, trying to get the splines aligned.
* Cursing in German (the only language the old 220d understands).
* Cursing myself for not having secured the steering wheel properly after last having removed it.

OreetCocker's avatar

Climb into the back seat and light a cigarette :-)

john65pennington's avatar

I loved this answer…....climb into the back seat and light a cigarette! almost fell out of my chair laughing. great answer and thanks. john great answer for u.

daemonelson's avatar

Put it back on the desk and finish the lap.

ucme's avatar

Depending upon who was in the vehicle with me. Id probably laugh like a 7 year old girl & slam my feet on the brake Fred Flinstone style. Being of sound mind obviously.

scotsbloke's avatar

I think I’d be shouting “Oh gawd, Oh Gawd, Oh Gawd” and Pooping myself! then my inner calm would take over and I’d put the wheel back in place, cos even loose it should still steer, and I’d apply the brakes, then after stopping and getting out, I’d faint! lol

azlotto's avatar

Call and let them know that I’m going to be a little late.

JesusWasAJewbot's avatar


Grisaille's avatar

It’d start humping the shit outta it.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

LOL!I’d hand it to my mother-in-law-“HERE!!YOU DRIVE!”

rangerr's avatar

I’d start braking, throw on my hazards, down shift, pull the e-brake and work on getting it back on.
First words: Oh, shit.

timtrueman's avatar

I would fold my arms in towards my body and pull up on the ejection tab below my seat. You guys have ejection seats in your cars, right?

scotsbloke's avatar

@timtrueman , sure, but only in my Aston Martin…...........

jerv's avatar

Vise-grips :)

@timtrueman Only in the rear passenger’s side. Of course, now that I no longer give my mother-in-law rides to work I have no need for it any more.

StupidGirl's avatar

mmmmmmm ejaculation seats

jerv's avatar

@StupidGirl Fun fact: 4th-gen Honda Civics have enough room in the driver’s seat for two people and still leaves a little room for moving without hitting the steering wheel. Just don’t ask how I know that ;)

NUNYA's avatar

@OreetCocker I laughed til I cried!!! How funny!!!
@lucillelucillelucille again, I busted out laughing! crying cause I was laughin’ so hard! “HERE YOU DRIVE”
I’m along the same lines as a few others only my words of choice would be What the fuck? What the fuck? and continue saying it faster and faster as if it will make things work better or magically fix things!! What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck! Shit! Oh Shit! What the fuck…..*HANG ON!!!

phillis's avatar

Holy hell! I’d immediately begin lightly pumping the brakes, being more grateful than I had ever been in my LIFE for the alignment I just paid for, and pull the hand brake, which is NOT in good working order, but at least it wouldn’t create an immediate, uncontrolled skid. If the wheel can be put back on just enough to affect a turn, then I would try that, too.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@NUNYA -It would be “What the fuck,insert mother-in-law’s name here???”

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