Social Question

troubleinharlem's avatar

I'm taking care of a bunch of kids from ages 5-9 ; what are some good jokes for them?

Asked by troubleinharlem (7999points) December 27th, 2009

We’re doing a comedy activity where… well,, that’s not important.
What are some good jokes for kids of that age group?

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29 Answers

gggritso's avatar

Q: “What’s brown and sticky?”
A: “A stick!”

rangerr's avatar

Why did the tomato turn red?
It saw the salad dressing!
My little cousin tells that non-stop

Chikipi's avatar

Q: Why did the boy throw butter out the window?
A: because he wanted to see a “butter” fly

Grisaille's avatar

Your parents never loved you.

EgaoNoGenki's avatar

Boos and jeers to @Grisaille

shego's avatar

Whats black and white, black and blue, black and blue?
A penguin falling down the stairs

simpleD's avatar

Why did the dinosaur cross the road?

Because chickens didn’t exist yet.

shego's avatar

Why was six afraid of seven?
because seven eight nine

Haleth's avatar

Let them make up their own jokes and tell them to each other. My little brother does this all the time. Their jokes won’t make any damn sense, but they’ll crack each other up.

shego's avatar

Why did the kid throw a clock out the window?
To see time fly.

EgaoNoGenki's avatar

Three girls wanted to find out how they got their names. So they decided to ask their father.

The first girl walks up and asks, “Dad, why did you name me Lily?” and he said, “Because when you were born a beautiful lily fell upon your head.”

The second girl asked, “Daddy, why did you name me Rose?” and he said, “Because when you were born a beautiful rose fell upon your head.”

The third girl walked up and said “Blahhjhfjhdsjhdsjbdjb” and the father said, “Shut up, Cinderblock!”

naivete's avatar

So a peanut walks into a bar and it gets assaulted. A salted peanut hahahahahaha. I love that

jamielynn2328's avatar

Pretty much anything with a bad pun…

sliceswiththings's avatar

Knock knock!
Who’s there?
I eat mop.
I eat mop who?

(Get it? “I eat mah poo!”)

EgaoNoGenki's avatar

@sliceswiththings Don’t teach that joke to any child. Period. What a big turn-off.

wildpotato's avatar

What do you call a cow with no legs?

Ground beef!

sliceswiththings's avatar

@EgaoNoGenki Well it was taught to me by a child!

sliceswiththings's avatar

What do you call a fly with no wings?
A “walk”
A “fall”

St.George's avatar

What did one snowman say to the other snowman?

Smells like carrots.

St.George's avatar

Where do bunnies eat breakfast?


toomuchcoffee911's avatar

There’re two muffins in an oven. One muffin says “Is it hot in here or is it just me?” and the other muffin says “Aaaahhh! A talking muffin!”

Gets ‘em every time.

EgaoNoGenki's avatar

@Megan64 Well then! I think iHop is THE restaurant to eat at for Easter!

I like reading these modern jokes.

St.George's avatar

Three kids are playing a farmer’s field. He chases them and they run into the barn. Each one climbs into sacks they find.

Farmer comes in pokes the first bag. Kid says “Meow!” Farmer moves to the next sack and pokes it. Kid says, “Woof woof!” Farmer pokes the last sack. Kid says, “Potatoes!”

PretentiousArtist's avatar

It was raining cats and dogs today
I almost stepped on a poodle

TLRobinson's avatar

@sliceswiththings- I’m laughing my ass off! That’s the funniest one and my 9 year old would think it was funny as well! I needed that laugh thanks!

Am I bad parent now?

AstroChuck's avatar

A priest, a rabbi, and a baptist minister walk into a
A travelling salesman’s car breaks down near this farm where the farmer’s daughter
This blond gal with really big

Uh. This is tougher than I expected.
Okay. How about this…
I accidentally spilled spot remover on my dog and now he’s disappeared.

sliceswiththings's avatar

@TLRobinson Of course not! There’s nothing wrong with poo! Funny for all ages:)

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