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syz's avatar

What is the opposite of abbreviation?

Asked by syz (35953points) January 15th, 2010

I’m designing a quiz. The ‘terms’ require ‘definitions’. The ‘abbreviations’ require what? Extrapolations? Disabbreviations? What’s the proper terminology?

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24 Answers

Dr_Dredd's avatar

Umm… long-windedness?

jaketheripper's avatar


dpworkin's avatar


stump's avatar


gailcalled's avatar


“Please don’t use abbreviations. TY.”

evil2's avatar

augmentation, enlargement, expansion, extension, increase

CMaz's avatar


Harp's avatar

(Not aware of an official term) decompression, reconstitution, amplification

gemiwing's avatar


kruger_d's avatar


stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I think it would be best to ask for definitions of both terms and abbreviations. The glossary in a book includes both, and its purpose is to give definitions.

Extrapolation is not a correct term, as that involves taking existing data and positing a trend to a condition not included the data set. If the condition is within the data set, a similar process is called interpolation.

janbb's avatar

Wouldn’t the opposite of an abbreviation be “standard form”?

gemiwing's avatar

interpolation. I like that word. Sounds sexy in a geeky way.

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

According to this thesaurus website the antonyms for “abbreviation include:

augmentation, enlargement, expansion, extension, increase.

Factotum's avatar


stratman37's avatar

What’s another word for Thesaurus?

syz's avatar

What another word for….ah, never mind. I have better manners than that. Usually.

Jeruba's avatar


That’s the standard term that I am familiar with in a high-tech environment that makes heavy use of acronyms and abbreviations. When you first use any abbreviation or acronym, you have to expand it, or provide the expansion.

Both the MLA and Chicago manuals of style just talk about spelling out an abbrieviation or acronym; I happen to think this term is less precise than expansion.

filmfann's avatar

@pdworkin That was gonna be my answer!

susanc's avatar

Male enhancement.

mattbrowne's avatar

Instead of DDSFKWVPVPVK you could also say


when you’re in Germany.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

OK. I’ll be sure to do that.

What does it mean?

Jeruba's avatar

@mattbrowne, that is what I love (one thing ) love) about German. You guys are linguistically fearless, just like the Sanskrit speakers of old, because of the safety of your rules.

uday19111's avatar

Its “acronym” guys

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