General Question

derektherock42's avatar

Where can I find Daft Punk samples / sound bites?

Asked by derektherock42 (206points) January 27th, 2010

I’m a fan of Daft Punk and have decided I’d like to try my hand at a homemade remix. Is there somewhere I can find and download the sounds they use in their songs?

I don’t want parts of the songs with all the instruments playing. For example, if I got the “Around The World” sound effect, I wouldn’t want the rhythm and percussion playing in the background; just the vocoder sound.

I’m fully aware of sites like (which I very much enjoy). I want, however, downloadable sounds for more of their songs that I can manipulate in a remix. Is this possible?

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9 Answers

Shield_of_Achilles's avatar

Sorry I can’t help but I just wanted to say
Daft Punk FTW.

derektherock42's avatar

@shield_of_achilles Indeed :)

Bugabear's avatar

Cant wait for Tron 2.0 to come out. Their doing the soundtrack for it. And to answer your question, Youtube. And a Youtube downloader of your choice.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I so cant wait for tron to come out. I can give two shits about the movie i just need moar daft punk :P

life_after_2012's avatar

if you have a iphone there is a app that will listen to any clean sample or original song and tell you exactly what song it is, when it came out, and who the artist is. for daft punk music they usaully play the original sample for atleats 4 to 6 seconds, maybe to bridge a hook or just add a trancey vibe to the track. i would advise finding this app. if you don’y have a iphone pay some one with a iphone to donwload the app and spend a couple of hours youtubing daft punk and snatching the 4 second clean samples live from your desktop. im sorry i can’t remember the app

HungryGuy's avatar

Probably use a vocoder and a sequencer to create your own. Check this out…

RareDenver's avatar

@HungryGuy a vocoder needs two signals to work so you would need to throw a synthesizer into the mix

HungryGuy's avatar

Well, you don’t absolutely need a synth. An actual instrument that produces a steady tone works well. Like a horn or flute or such. But a guitar doesn’t work so well. It also depends on whether you’re using the voice to modulate the instrument, or the instrument to modulate the voice.

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