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HTDC's avatar

Is there really any point to answering questions when the answer always seems to be so obvious?

Asked by HTDC (3973points) February 3rd, 2010

Sometimes when people ask questions, not only on Fluther but other Q&A sites, I just wonder if it is actually worth my time answering. Most responses seem to be just a rephrasing or variation of the previous ones, I don’t mean copying.

I love Fluther and enjoy answering, commenting and discussing topics when I can, but I’m reaching that point where I’m thinking to myself, why bother giving my opinion when others can say it just as well, if not better, than I can?

I am fond of questions that almost guarantee everyone will have a unique view on, but I don’t see them very often. Do you feel something similar? Do you think these types of questions just aren’t asked as often anymore?

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22 Answers

janbb's avatar


ucme's avatar


HTDC's avatar

LOL, oh dear…the irony of my question…

janbb's avatar

um, yeah!

ucme's avatar

…. is superceded only by it’s pointlessness.

HTDC's avatar

Well thanks @ucme. I really enjoyed your POSITIVE feedback…

ucme's avatar

Give it up @HTDC you can’t win an argument on here.

HTDC's avatar

I’m only joking man.

wundayatta's avatar

The obvious joke has been provided three times already, I think.

Therein lies the challenge. Once the obvious is spoken, what else is there?

Well, a lot, if you’re creative. There is always hidden meaning in a question. Different circumstances. Like here, you’re asking about being bored, although you may not know it. It’s a deep question, and the answer has to do with your attitude towards life.

Which is symbolized, in this case, by your attitude towards questions. My advice is that you put a little effort into it. Slide right on by the obvious. Especially if other people have already provided it. Challenge yourself to find something deeper and to go a step further than everyone else. In short, try to be me! (j/k) So, next time you run into a question with an obvious answer, think to yourself, ‘Hmmmm, self—what would @wundayatta do?’

HTDC's avatar

Thanks @wundayatta, that was really good advice. I very much agree with the hidden meaning in a question, but I don’t think I’m very good at finding it and I don’t want to sound like I am assuming things. Although you did assume correctly about the hidden meaning in my question. ;) The times I do put in effort I feel like people don’t care and would much rather appreciate a witty one-liner.

wundayatta's avatar

@HTDC That gets to why you do this. You kind of have to do it for yourself for the most part. It doesn’t matter if everyone else tells jokes and you do it seriously, or if you make what you think is a great joke, and it is ignored. That’s what happens. If you write for yourself, then you learn something no matter what other people think.

As to assumptions—again, it’s nice when you catch the author’s hidden intent or meaning, but it doesn’t matter if they had that intent or not. What matters is that you see it and it sparks your interest. Another thing is in your favor—sometimes you can catch something the author didn’t even know was there. If you’re perceptive enough, they will really appreciate what you’ve caught.

HGl3ee's avatar

What is plainly obvious to one, may not be to another.

HTDC's avatar

@wundayatta You’re so wise, I really do appreciate your answers. I shall take your advice on board.

Dan_DeColumna's avatar

If something’s already explained, I try to give real life examples. If advice is already given, I try to give links or resouces that would make it easier to start using that advice. If any effort was put into the question at all, there is almost always something of value that you can add.

HTDC's avatar

That’s quite true @Dan_DeColumna.

I guess I’m too focused on answering the question exactly and like @wundayatta mentioned, perhaps I should be more creative and not so focused just on what the question is specifically asking.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

If someone else has already given an answer that is the same as mine would be, I just click them lurve and move on. Sometimes I’ll add a comment tangential to the question. Depends on my mood.

Fred931's avatar

I always look for an opportunity to mess sh!t up, no matter what could go wrong. Mostly, I avoid doing this in serious questions.

ninjacolin's avatar

@HTDC i always read your comments! if you stop posting… i’ll find you.

ninjacolin's avatar

hmm… actually, i think i’m onto something there. You may be right that there’s no point for me to post anything but for YOU.. i really want you to post. now you know! i want to hear your opinion, @HTDC. it’s personal.

HTDC's avatar

Okay okay, I promise I won’t stop posting if it means that much to you. :D

talljasperman's avatar

free Lurve hard to pass up

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