General Question

Nullo's avatar

For you gun-savvy Flutherites: If you were to take a flare gun and load it with equivalent-diameter shotgun rounds, would it explode when fired?

Asked by Nullo (22012points) February 4th, 2010

And could you get multiple uses out of such a thing?

Alternatively, could you theoretically shoot flares out of a chokeless shotgun?

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4 Answers

njnyjobs's avatar

A 12-gauge flare gun could accommodate a 12-gauge shot shell but you run the risk of getting hurt when the plastic flare gun explodes with the powerful shotgun round.

On the flipside, a 12-gauge flare can be fired out of a shotgun if it has absolutely zero choke, when you hack some of the barrel off. A standard barrel shotgun will most likely catch the flare payload in the barrel and burn inside, messing up the whole thing.

It’s best not to interchange flare with live ammo.

JeanPaulSartre's avatar

You could also put a .22 in a power hammer – but it is similarly a bad idea. I doubt it’s designed to take the mess that comes out of a shotgun shell – it’d probably explode dangerously.

TexasDude's avatar

I wouldn’t try either if I were you. That’s a Kaboom waiting to happen.

kritiper's avatar

I wouldn’t try it without the flare gun being made out of steel. The explosive power of each (flare or shotgun round) should be about the same, IMO.

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