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Blackberry's avatar

Should animal abusers, like sex offenders, be registered?

Asked by Blackberry (33990points) March 4th, 2010
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33 Answers

dpworkin's avatar

Both categories should be summarily dispatched with a .35 caliber bullet to the back of the head.

stump's avatar

I have far less tolerance for an animal abuser than I do for other kinds of lowlife. I think they should be locked in a cage with other animal abusers and left to starve to death. Sex offenders should have the option to be surgically castrated, or exiled to an island in the Arctic Sea.

noyesa's avatar

Unfortunately, our government doesn’t have a history of protecting the rights of animals in the same ways that it does people and under the law animals are not equal.

rangerr's avatar

I think any kind of abuser should be registered, really.

gailcalled's avatar

Oh dear; Milo here; I abuse mice, voles and baby chipmunks on a regular basis. What does that make me?

But I personally am treated like the King of the World.

Blackberry's avatar

@gailcalled That doesn’t make much sense, unless you are a researcher or something?

HTDC's avatar

I think they should. But the line would be blurry when figuring out what constitutes animal abuse. And how small should the animal be before registering someone as an animal abuser?

Dog? Yes.
Rabbit? Yes.
Mouse? Maybe.
Goldfish? Very questionable.

I think it would be tough and become very messy enforcing such a law.

rangerr's avatar

@Blackberry Milo is her cat…

Blackberry's avatar

@rangerr Oh I see, she was pretending to be her cat…...gotcha lol.

deni's avatar

I agree with what @HTDC said. It would be hard to determine where to draw the line. But otherwise YES, i have no tolerance for people who abuse animals. There is no reason to ever do that. If you don’t want to put up with your dog anymore, give it away, don’t beat the shit out of it. Even if you give it to a pound, it has more of a chance then if you burn it’s ears off or something just because you’re having a shitty day.

although i often have fantasies of doing that to my roommates 2 retarded little yappy stupid dogs that bark at me every time i move a toe

borderline_blonde's avatar

Absolutely. I think there should be far harsher punishments for animal abuse, and making abusers register as such is one step in the right direction.

gailcalled's avatar

@Blackberry: MIlo here; Just to be clear, no one pretends to be me. I pretend to be Gail sometimes. That is why she gets more than her share of GA’s.

tinyfaery's avatar

Definitely. If somone is a convicted animal abuser they should be put on a nationwide list so they can no longer adopt, purchase, or be in the same house as an animal.

davidbetterman's avatar

Advocating state sanctioned murder seems somewhat extreme. Perhaps the animal abuser should simply be forced to do his/her time in an animal shelter. In a cage, of course.

CharlieGirl's avatar

Yes,I think so.Anyone who would abuse a helpless induvidual,whether animal or human should be put away for life if you ask me!

dpworkin's avatar

It’s not murder when it’s lawful.

ucme's avatar

Well me & the wife like doggy style but i’m certain we’re not offending anyone.Not if you exclude the neighbours.God she’s a howler.

Your_Majesty's avatar

Discrimination should never exist.

Jude's avatar

Animal abuser should be neutered/lose their cajones, and be put on a list.

thriftymaid's avatar

No. I think we have to be careful before applying the Scarlet Letter standard.

KatawaGrey's avatar

I don’t think it is necessary. For most jobs, you have to provide a list of your crimes if you’ve been convicted of any and I would imagine that a place such as a vet’s office or an animal shelter would not hire people who’d been convicted of crimes against animals. Perhaps there could be some kind of watch list for shelters, dog breeders, and any other place that provides animals to people so that the people who run these places can refuse to sell an animal to a convicted abuser.

jamcanfi74's avatar

Yes they shold be. @dpworkin some “sex offenders” that have “offended” only once are innocent you know. so may things are classified a sex offence now. are you aware that if you piss out in the open and if your genitals are seen by ANYONE and they report it then you are forced to register as a sex offender forever. If you drive naked and someone sees your private’s and u are reported then u have to register. If you sun bathe naked and you are reported u have to register. Think before u speak dpworkin.

dpworkin's avatar

Thank God I have you to help me understand this complex world.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Who’s going to pay for the abuser registry?
I think a police record is enough. Their records are pretty comprehensive and they keep an eye on animal abusers because animal abusers have a nasty pattern of becoming serial killers.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@jamcanfi74: I think it’s pretty well understood that when someone says “sex offender” colloquially they mean a child molester, rapist, etc. @dpworkin meant one of these “hard” sex offenders and he assumed that the collective did not think he thought naked sunbathers should be shot. Maybe you should think before you speak.

Also, learning how to tipe an spel wold b halppful.

jamcanfi74's avatar

@KatawaGrey well then @dpworkin needs to not say sex offenders because that is a general statement. All I was saying is when u sall all sex offenders that also includes the other people I mentioned. so when u say they should be shot that is EVERYONE that registers as a sex offender. @rangerr lol… ok well I’m going to end this because it is not worth disagreeing over.

davidbetterman's avatar

Actually, @jamcanfi74 is quite correct. Dispatching sunbathers and those who couldn’t wait to urinate with a bullet to the head is pretty extreme. As a matter of fact, killing those who abuse animals is also rather extreme.
How will they learn their lesson if they are dead?

dpworkin's avatar

So you are saying that my solution might not be entirely practical? I’ll have to think that over. I thought summary execution was just the thing!

KatawaGrey's avatar

@dpworkin: Hey, if the male model who lives next door wants to sunbathe naked, who am I to pass judgment on him? ;)

dpworkin's avatar

face it, he’s probably gay.

PacificRimjob's avatar

Only if you can get the animal’s opinion.

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