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RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I can't throw away the coffee containers! Does this mean I'm getting old?

Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies (30954points) March 7th, 2010

About six months ago I went to toss out another empty Foldgers can. But for some reason, the thought occurred to me that I could use that can for something. Now I have red and green Foldgers cans all over my house. Dozens of them!

They hold my nuts and bolts, old computer parts, cables, oil rags, leftover food, spare keys, business cards…

I used to complain to my crazy mother for keeping shoe boxes. Told her she was showing signs of senility and if she didn’t stop it that I would call the White Coats on her.

Well, do I have a problem or not?

Please describe the crazy things that your old folk do that drives you batty. Are you showing signs of doing them too?

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19 Answers

Everest's avatar

I keep old soda cans. Handy for throwing at stray cats and people.

Your not crazy. Your economical.

jonsblond's avatar

I would only start to worry if you make luminaries out of them. ;)

I save the cans too. I use them for grease or to store my daughter’s small Barbie toys.

JeanPaulSartre's avatar

Just don’t start hoarding everything…

gailcalled's avatar

Useful for gardening, emptying litter, and keeping as a scoop in the large bag of salt I use for ice issues. (It is Folgers, if you care.)

Berserker's avatar

I don’t know if means being nuts or old. I keep all my coffee cans too, it’s quite useful when you need extra containers for stuff, as you’ve found out. I think we can counter senility for convenience?
Maybe I’m old and crazy too though haha.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

I’ll trade you Trader Joe’s Greek yogurt containers for coffee cans.

SeventhSense's avatar

Don’t sweat it. After you die they’ll just wonder why this person felt compelled to collect metric tons of screws, bolts, nuts and buttons and stockpile them in their garage.

justmesuzanne's avatar

No, singing along in the supermarket means you are getting old! :)

SeventhSense's avatar

guilty as charged…was just at the market diggin’ the old Motown pining why can’t they make these songs anymore?

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar


Thanks again Gail. I do care.

thriftymaid's avatar

I, thank God, have not followed in my mother’s path. I could, and may, write a book about her. Just get a garbage bag and throw all of those coffee containers away. The sun will come up tomorrow.

YoH's avatar

My mother and mother in law hoarded plastic margarine containers. It was crazy to find hundreds,always clean and stacked,but never used. I throw them out, without hesitation.

Buttonstc's avatar

I think keeping coffe containers for repurpose is fine. They come in handy for so many things.

I wish I had more of them but I just don’t drink that much coffee anymore.

I also keep empty kitty litter boxes, cut then down at a diagonal and reuse them as magazine files if that makes you feel any better. It saves me about $5 a pop each time. They are clean and sturdy and sometimes I even paint and decorate them.

I always try to repurpose containers at least once before tossing them. Cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream containers all come in handy for freezing or storing leftover spaghetti sauce rather than staining my good containers.

Hope this makes you feel a little better. And it has nothing to do with age. I’ve been doing this steadily for 20+ years.

Welcome to the recycling club.

mattbrowne's avatar

You got the much needed mindset of our future ‘cradle-to-cradle’ society. Excellent!

CMaz's avatar

I use to do that. Then I looked in my closet one day and there was like 6 empty coffee cans.

I keep one. The rest get thrown out. As painful as it is to do. ;-)

gailcalled's avatar

If you shop at a Food Coop (Trader Joe’s) etc. You can get beans or freshly ground coffee in a brown paper bag. The bag makes a wonderful fire starter.

lazydaisy's avatar

Depends. Do you also tell kids their music is noise, then yell at them to get off your lawn?

justmesuzanne's avatar

@SeventhSense I dunno, but I was dancing with a middle-aged man at Home Depot the other day when Blue Suede Shoes was playing! :D As long as they keep playing them, I guess it’s OK!

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