General Question

troubleinharlem's avatar

How can I get someone to acknowledge me?

Asked by troubleinharlem (7999points) March 9th, 2010

There’s this guy that I know, and for the past few months hes been ignoring me for various and irrelevant reasons. He claims that he can’t email/call me because his online boyfriend wants him to talk exclusively to him, and only him.

I was friends with him for awhile, and we got along fairly well. I’d go to him for advice, he’d rant to me about how awful his relationship was and such. But after awhile, he just stopped talking to me.

Lately, I’ve been trying to, well, get him to acknowledge that I exist, even though I know that it won’t go anywhere. How can I get over him and move on?

note: he is really a she because he is using someone’s pictures and saying that they’re him. don’t ask how I know, that isn’t important. and no, i do not know him in real life. that isn’t relevant either.

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26 Answers

janbb's avatar

Oy vey, honey.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

With all of the disclaimers that you added to the Q, I don’t think any of it is relevant.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Hold yourself in higher esteem and don’t allow a bullshitter to control you.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

This isn’t a good start. Keeeep walkin’.

liminal's avatar

Are you asking how to get the attention of a girl you are attracted to and, if you can’t, how to move on?

Chongalicious's avatar

It seems like he only wants to talk to you when he is having a bad day… he takes you for granted. It’s time to move on.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I have to confess to being too confused to give a useful answer.

Vunessuh's avatar

Does this girl’s boyfriend know that she is a she or that she is a he? Because she has a picture of a he. Is the girl’s boyfriend gay thinking that he’s talking to a he or does he know he’s talking to a she?

filmfann's avatar

I can’t believe you guys didn’t leave this question as an orphan.

OneMoreMinute's avatar

….............hhhmmm….....................uuummmmmm…........“Who wants Ice Cream????”

chyna's avatar

Too much drama! Make your life easier and leave the drama out.

Cruiser's avatar

Jump up and down…wave your hands and go ME ME ME!! Works every time!

ArtiqueFox's avatar

We would love to help, but your insistence on irrelevancy is a bit…strange. The facts labeled “irrelevant” are pieces that must be defined for this question to be sensible. Right now, your question is a little incomprehensible, as above responses proclaim.

We can’t help when we don’t know. It will be a great aide to us if you could provide more information. Many of us (or at least me) are scratching our heads at this fantastic and bizarre situation. I can’t even grasp which gender your friend is. ;)

Everest's avatar

Slap them on the cheek. That will get their attention no problem.

babaji's avatar

there are a couple of things that are dooming this relationship.
one is your dorky boyfriend and the other is you thinking that there is anything real here.

phillis's avatar

Just how badly DOES a person have to treat you before you to shut the door on them?

Damn, I’m almost ready to run an impromptu experiment. Should I treat you badly, just to indulge my own curiosity? That would be okay with you, right?

plethora's avatar

You want a guy who is wrapped up in his bf and who is jealous of you?

PandoraBoxx's avatar

The he is really a she posing as a he, and the poser he has a boyfriend? You want to get the attention of a girl who’s faking at being a gay guy? Why?

Trillian's avatar

This has CSI episode written all over it.

Nullo's avatar


unique's avatar

“How can I get over him and move on?”—meet someone irl.

naivete's avatar

I don’t think anyone really answered the question because there is no way you can force yourself to “move on”.

Jude's avatar

Crusty garlic bread.

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