General Question

chamelopotamus's avatar

What's the worst that will happen if I keep running with a really bad cramp?

Asked by chamelopotamus (1379points) March 13th, 2010

Cramps can be very painful, and I try to run through them, but get worried I’m doing damage. Not to mention it hurts. What’s the worst that can happen if I run anyways?

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4 Answers

FutureMemory's avatar

If you experience pain during aerobic exercise, it’s not too wise to continue. Your body is telling you to stop. Why would you want to endure it in the first place?

palbertq's avatar

The pain is from lactic acid buildup. Your body cant convert sugar to a usable form of energy quick enough so it converts the molecule pyruvate into lactic acid to produce whatever energy it can for your muscles to continue to work.

I don’t think its too big of a deal if it happens. I don’t think you can really cause any tissue damage, but I’ve been wrong before.

iam2smart99037's avatar

I keep running when my calves cramp up, it just makes me extremely sore for a day or two then I’m fine, no lasting damage with me. Just be prepared to hurt for a bit if you keep running on it!!!

chamelopotamus's avatar

Thanks guys!! :-D

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