Meta Question

AstroChuck's avatar

Why can't I access meta questions on my iPhone?

Asked by AstroChuck (37659points) March 16th, 2010 from iPhone

Those of you who rely on the mobile Fluther site: Are you aware we aren’t seeing the meta questions? If the gods aren’t going to provide a way to get to the meta section on the mobile site then can’t they just mix the meta questions in with the others, like in the old days? I miss so many of these meta questions if they aren’t in my “Questions for you”. Am I wrong about this? Is there a way to see these questions on my iPhone?

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14 Answers

andrew's avatar

Because we hate you. And your little iPhone.

Also we’re super busy on other stuff right now.

AstroChuck's avatar

@andrew- I can understand that you hate me the mobile site isn’t a priority and I can certainly live without a separate meta section. I just want to be able to see all the questions asked on Fluther. Can’t they just be mixed in with the others?

andrew's avatar

@AstroChuck It’ll get fixed fairly soon. If not this friday, then the next.

Fred931's avatar

And guess what? This question is probably a Meta question now! Haha!

AstroChuck's avatar

@andrew- Thanks! Great to hear!

@Fred931- It absolutely is. I can’t find it anywhere.

gggritso's avatar

Are you using the iPhone app or Safari? I can view everything on my Nexus One just by using the browser.

AstroChuck's avatar

Safari. The Fluther app sucks.

gggritso's avatar

@AstroChuck That’s very strange. I use a Nexus One which has the same HTML engine (or close?) and I can see it fine.

jrpowell's avatar

@gggritso :: Does it automatically take you to on the Nexus One? It is pretty hard to get around the redirect in mobile Safari.

gggritso's avatar

@johnpowell Ahh, I see, that’s it. No, it doesn’t redirect me at all.

Dog's avatar

Captain- does that work for iPhone? I will have to try it!

AstroChuck's avatar

@Dog- No. It does not.

Dog's avatar

Thanks for checking AC.

Well- It is kind of like a secret world then. Not visible to the outside world and only accessable to those who know the key (or tab)


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