Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

What do you suppose those magical creatures are doing in lunch trucks at night?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) March 17th, 2010

I was getting my egg and cheese sandwich, and as I was walking away, I started wondering what happened in those locked up trucks at night. I wondered what kind of magical creature might make the truck it’s home, sleeping in hidey holes during the day, and then playing at night.

What kind of creature that is not an existing creature do you imagine? What does it look like? What does it do?

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10 Answers

njnyjobs's avatar

Probably the same magical creatures that reside in your refrigerator at home.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Grease fairies.

mrentropy's avatar

There’s a dancing hamurger, like in Better Off Dead. Also, the Egg Salad Sandwich monster.

maudie's avatar

Oh, I think it’s sort of like the witch’s horse-drawn wagon in Neil Gaiman’s short novel Stardust. Everything in the sandwich truck that looks by day like an inanimate object is actually the trapped soul of some hapless magical creature, and in the moonlight they all come out and have a party in and around the truck.

ucme's avatar

Large Marge, aargghh!!

Dr_Dredd's avatar

@mrentropy I remember that! That was an awesome movie.

I think the creatures are elves. Elves from the Isle of Sandwich. :-)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

The Crackhead Faery visits and replenishes prescription meds, crack rocks, coke powder and meth crystals to be dealt out come daylight.

Trillian's avatar

Are you talking about the Roach Coach? Hmmmmph. Probably some gremlin lookin’ creep like Dobby from Harry Potter, cackling and sniggling, rubbing his hands together in unholy glee. Hocking into the chili.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

@Trillian Perhaps a Mogwai, unless, of course, you feed it after midnight. :-)

Axemusica's avatar

The Potato Goblins. I don’t think they need much explanation.

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