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Luckiecen's avatar

Will there be actual plans for a disneyland 'style' theme park in Beijing?

Asked by Luckiecen (18points) April 11th, 2010

Will Disney ever have actual plans for a theme park in Beijing in 30 years?

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5 Answers

filmfann's avatar

They already have sites in Tokyo and Hong Kong, and might be building one in Shanghai.
Of course, if the courts are just, they may be able to just walk in and take over Shijingshan Amusement Park, which is a blatent rip off of Disneyland and it’s characters.

filmfann's avatar

Dude, did you really feel the need to ask this on Webanswers and Blurit too?

VohuManah's avatar

There are plans to build one in Shanghai, but no plans for one in Beijing. There were rumors of building one for the 2008 Olympics, but nothing came about.

filmfann's avatar

Okay, since the question now includes Disneyland “style”, your answer would be the Shijingshan Amusement Park. Total rip off of their style

VohuManah's avatar

@filmfann This is just creepy. I was about to mention the Shijingshan before you posted the first answer, and was about to mention that same article when you posted that answer. If your next post is about Nara Dreamland, I’m going to go get a tin-foil hat.

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