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MorenoMelissa1's avatar

Does anyone enjoy listening to the music on video games?

Asked by MorenoMelissa1 (1140points) April 15th, 2010

Whenever I play video games I tend to find certin songs that I really like alot. Youtube I have found multiple ones that I love. Does anyone else out there enjoy them as much as I do?

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30 Answers

Vunessuh's avatar

When driving in the game GTA, there are about a dozen radio stations you can listen to. I enjoy listening to Fever 105 when I play Vice City and Master Sounds when playing San Andreas.

MorenoMelissa1's avatar

@Vunessuh I love that song you get when you play silent hill for the psx, when you get the ufo ending. That one is pretty cool.

Sarcasm's avatar

Not since I stopped playing SNES games. Everything since then has been rubbish.

talljasperman's avatar

yes… I like the original Link and Zelda music from the original NES… And I love the Mike Tyson Punch-Out music.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m right there with @Vunessuh. I really liked a lot of the music they offered in GTA: Vice City. I’d drive around and do cab missions for a couple of hours listening to all those good tunes.

MorenoMelissa1's avatar

One song I really like is the one you get when your at the password screen for the filntstones the movie video game for snes.

jonsblond's avatar

I always put the reggae station on the radio when I play Sims.

dammit, now I want to play

Bluefreedom's avatar

@jonsblond. Go play. Right now. I demand it of you! Video games are good for the soul!

davidgro's avatar

Na Naaaa Na-na na-na Na-na-na na Katamari Damacy…
I love the music in those games

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

The Japanese games have the best music for games but GTA has some cool radio stations.

tragiclikebowie's avatar

Yes! Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts music <3. Many, many others.

I actually went to the Video Games Live! concert where they had a full orchestra playing various video game music.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

GTA: Vice City had some good music.
Dark Cloud 2 had good music and was especially relaxing if you listened to it while fishing.
Little Big Planet has extremely catchy music on certain levels. I particularly love the music on the construction level. So much so that I kind of want to play now.
Final Fantasy X.

Man, I don’t know. A lot of them have awesome music.

lawlipop's avatar

I really love the ocarina songs in Zelda (Ocarina of Time, obviously.)
Bolero of Fire is probably my favorite.

squidcake's avatar

I have a friend who that’s all he listens to.
I swear, he doesn’t listen to any actual bands or anything.
He obsesses to the point where when he found a song from Final Fantasy on my iPod I thought he was going to orgasm or something.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I don’t mind the music but it’s the dialog that irks me. The game is all, “pay attention, get over there, go go go!” and I’m all, “stfu, I’m concentrating on how one blows the farking helicopter out of the sky before it turns bodies into paste”.

Silence04's avatar

I like games with a big orchestra music… Like world of warcraft or uncharted.

My friend does scores for games and doncumentaries, he loves it.

chels's avatar

It depends.

When I play WoW sometimes I’ll play with the in-game music, sometimes I’ll listen to my own music. If I’m in the middle of nowhere grinding levels, I listen to my own stuff. WoW music and fx can get kind of lame. However if I’m doing a dungeon run with a bunch of people, it’s fun to listen to everyones spells and attacks and stuff all happening at the same time.

Axemusica's avatar

I love game music. I actually have some game soundtracks. I have Demon’s Souls soundtrack which is like really classical and kind of creepy to listen to and I got the God of War3 Ultimate Edition so I have both the Heavy metal soundtrack made my bands for the game and all 3 games music.

shit does this make me a dork now?

Nullo's avatar

About half of the songs floating around the ol’ comp are remixed video game BGMs. Mostly SNES stuff, though I’ve got some Cave Story, too.
The background music for some games can be copied right out of the game’s folder on the hard drive.

TexasDude's avatar

The music from Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island is some of the most memorable and enjoyable video game music of all time for me. I still find myself humming it every now and then. I even have it on my ipod.


davidgro's avatar

Oh, how could I forget the Touhou games – they are known for the music perhaps more than the gameplay. It’s popular enough that there are torrents with 128 GB of touhou inspired MP3s (584 GB in lossless but still compressed! Yes, that’s over half a Terabyte)

mrentropy's avatar

I liked the music for Tempest 2000 on the Atari Jaguar. It came with a CD that had all the music on it, too, but I lost it :(

ucme's avatar

The radio stations on GTA are an exception.Any other music ambient or otherwise, just serves as a distraction for me,consequently it’s shut off.

wonderingwhy's avatar

There’s been a bunch games with pretty great scores over the years. Right now I’m still chuggin’ away at FF XIII and some of the chapters/locations have some fantastic music in my opinion. I had heard a couple tracks prior to it’s US release and took a chance in picking up the sound track while I was in Japan. It just arrived a little while ago and now having played the game for, I suspect close to if not 100+ hours, it was definitely a good purchase. Generally bad a bad score won’t lessen the appeal of a game for me but a great one always increases it’s standing. Unsurprisingly, Eternal Sonata, was another game that fell into the latter category; really glad I gave that one a go.

Kayak8's avatar

I don’t typically enjoy the game music (the repetition of the music related to the time it takes me to complete various levels may be part of the explanation—I get to hear it a lot!). My very favorite (actually made me cry) was the music in Myst after you solved the ship underwater segment/world of the puzzle. I have often wished I had a tape recording of it as it was very soothing and beautiful.

Mariah's avatar

Well, I’m about to establish myself as a total nerd, but I loooove video game music from some games, and know how to play an exorbitant amount of video game music on the piano. I especially like a lot of the songs from Banjo Tooie (Nintendo 64).

Berserker's avatar

Some scores from certain video games are wonderful. The musical scores for Final Fantasy IV, VI and VII, as well as Chrono Trigger, have been redone by orchestra teams and so forth.

So it’s definitely got quality to some of it, despite what fuckrags who never play video games claim.

I also love the music for Silent Hill one and two…plenty of other games, too. I own a lot of game soundtracks, some that I ordered from Japan and cost more than the game itself haha.

MorenoMelissa1's avatar

@Symbeline How many times have you beaten Silent Hill one for the psx? What’s your favorite part of the game? Mine is the part where Lisa starting bleeding eerie.

TexasDude's avatar

@Symbeline, I have the Silent Hill 3 soundtrack on CD.

Berserker's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard It came with my game, too. :D

@MorenoMelissa1 Must have finished it over ten times at least, but that also includes getting the Hyper Blaster with a green beam haha. (Which technically ends three quarters of the game through but still.)
And yeah, I think I like that scene too, it’s pretty sad and creepy.

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