General Question

plethora's avatar

Do you own gold?

Asked by plethora (10009points) April 19th, 2010

If you do own the metal, is it gold coin or some other form of the metal? Which coin do you prefer and why? From what source do you purchase it? How long have you been buying gold? What is your purpose in owning gold? Hedge against inflation? Do you hold it in case you might actually have to use it at some point to purchase goods and services? Of your total investment portfolio, what percentage is gold?

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30 Answers

DarkScribe's avatar

Are you a gold digger? Looking for a target?

I have a lot of gold – I have been collecting for most of my working life. Usually in the form of estate jewelry or coins. It is certainly not close to being a major investment, just a profitable hobby coupled with an interest in antiques.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

YES!!!! I think its fake though….I have a lot of earrings that are gold-like:) I have black skin soo gold suits us best. I love earrings, especially dangly. I have like more than 20 pairs of earrings.

But does it matter if its fake or real? as long as its gold to me it’s okayxD

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Gold is a “money in the mattress” sort of investment.
Good to have just in case the US economy fails outright and all our paper money is worthless, but in a financially stable economy, gold isn’t the best investment.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Yes, my heart!

plethora's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy Do you think our economy (US) is getting less stable? If so, do you think this beiief is widespread now?

SeventhSense's avatar

I buy and sell precious metals too quickly. Buy High Sell Low that’s my motto. I panic when I see a market falling.

SeventhSense's avatar

Do you think our economy (US) is getting less stable?
Getting? Yes since the 1930’s

Fyrius's avatar

I found a gold chain bracelet years ago. I must still have it somewhere.
And my parents bought me and my brother thin gold necklaces with pendants representing our zodiac signs very long ago, when we got baptised or something.

I like gold. It’s so shiny.
If it weren’t for interest and safety, I’d probably convert my savings into gold and fill up a treasure chest with it.

CMaz's avatar

I’m not telling.

ucme's avatar

Yesh here in Amshtedam we lurrrrrve gold.Care for a shmoke & a pancake?

beautifulbobby193's avatar

I purchase gold bars and have a large number of them. More so for the novelty of having some.

deni's avatar

my moms boyfriend for my 18th birthday said…i’ll either give you a hundred dollars or a gold coin. i am extremely intelligent ;) so i picked the gold coin. currently its worth around a thousand dollars! i’ll probably sell it back to him when i get really low on cash…ie: later this month lol.

SeventhSense's avatar

I’ll give you a million dollars for it…

deni's avatar


SeventhSense's avatar

doh…see I’m no good at commodities. 999,999.00 loss

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

gold is a normal mineral in my country, just like diamond, copper, tanzanite. Something not so valuable

plethora's avatar

@Thesexier Wanna sell some cheap to us in the USA?

beautifulbobby193's avatar

@Thesexier, oh yeah? So what’s your currency where you live? Virgins?

downtide's avatar

The only gold I own is my wedding ring.

TexasDude's avatar

I’ve invested in plenty of brass, copper, and lead if ya catch my drift.

DarkScribe's avatar

@Thesexier gold is a normal mineral in my country, just like diamond, copper, tanzanite. Something not so valuable

I get the impression that clues are a very valuable commodity in your country. Very rare?

ItsAHabit's avatar

Many people prefer holding gold and silver as insurance against a monetary collapse. Gold bullion (non-numismatic) coins can be purchased for a small premium above the value of their gold content. Such coins include the American Eagle, the Canadian Maple Leaf , the south African Krugerrand, and many others. They are typically available in one ounce, half-ounce, quarter-ounce, and one-tenth ounce sizes. The Chinese panda is also available in one-twentieth ounce size. The premium paid over the gold value increases with lower sizes, but many people prefer them because of their potential greater usefulness in making smaller purchases or trades. Many people also like to acquire “junk silver” (pre-1964 US silver coins). They can be obtained from coin and precious metals dealers. In a monetary collapse smaller denomination coins would be especially useful.

plethora's avatar

@ItsAHabit Thanks…very helpful GA

gondwanalon's avatar

I have a small pile of gold coins. I have mostly bullion coins such as Krugerrands, Eagles and Maple Leafs. I also have old foreign gold coins (British Souereigns, Swiss Francs), as well as early U.S.A. gold coins, a few very old gold Spanish Doubloons (for fun) and old gold coin jewelry.
I buy gold from coin shows, coin shops and from APMEX (American Precious Metals Exchange). APMEX has a very low profit markup over spot price (Less than 1 %). I checked out “Goldline” and they tried to charge me 69% over spot price but that is outrageous and another story. Companies deserve to make a profit but you should never pay more that 8% over spot price for gold bullion coins.
I’ve been buying gold for 3 years. I is fun and educational to read about gold and to talk to the experts at coin show and shops.
I buy gold because some experts say that it is a good thing to do (inflation, government printing more & more USD’s, crushing Federal debt, etc) and I’m no economic expert.
My plan is to slowly start selling off my gold when I’m over 70 to go on trips or for anything that I want or need. I hope that I’ll never have to sell the gold to buy food or healthcare.
My pile of gold has a value far less than that of my total investment portfolio.
I stopped buying silver as it is to bulky to store.

plethora's avatar

@gondwanalon Thanks very much. Thats a very helpful answer..:)

laureth's avatar

How are those gold investments doing now? Hopefully you had better luck than this implies…

gondwanalon's avatar

@laureth Now is a good gold buying opportunity.

Wait until the current stock market bubble pops and or hyper inflation hits and then see how those gold investments are going. Of course I hope that that never happens but if it does it will not come as a surprise to anyone who is paying attention. In any case it is far better to have some gold in my pocket and not a bunch of worthless paper dollars. HA!

laureth's avatar

I’ve been told that hyperinflation is Right! Around! The! Corner! for about half a decade now. Notably, it has been half a decade with historically low inflation, too.

gondwanalon's avatar

I certainly hope that the U.S.A. never sees hyper inflation. But it is possible. I wonder what will happen if the Republicans take power in Washington D.C. and halt the QE and force interest rates to raise? And then there is the current stock market bubble. Plus the U.S.A. is > $17 Trillion in debt. It doesn’t take am economist to predict that we’re cruse’n for a bruise’n. In any event I feel good just knowing that I have a gold resource quickly available to me that Uncle Sugar doesn’t know about. That is something that you can’t get from a pile of paper dollars.

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