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filmfann's avatar

(NSFW) Will you participate in the Boobquake?

Asked by filmfann (52276points) April 24th, 2010

“Many women who do not dress modestly… lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which (consequently) increases earthquakes,” Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi was quoted as saying by Iranian media. Sedighi is Tehran’s acting Friday prayer leader.

Jen McCreight on Blag Hag has proposed a scientic experiment. On April 26, she will wear the lowest cut, most revealing shirt she owns, to test Sedighi’s theory. If she is joined by enough women, they should be able to either prove or disprove this.
So what do you think? You might just be exposing a fraud as well!
Check out the link, and let us know!

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33 Answers

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

The only way this protest is meaningful is if it is done in Iran.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

I’ll support this

gorillapaws's avatar

If any women want to go through a dress-rehersal at my place they’re welcome to come.

shadling21's avatar

Ahaha! Monday. Time for some cleavage.

@Captain_Fantasy is right. But maybe we can prove them wrong from afar by showing that the jiggle jiggle doesn’t necessarily escalate to an earthquake. However… what if an earthquake does happen, and women are blamed? o.0

chels's avatar

One question: Why would you want to cause an earthquake?

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Finally, a monday I look forward to!

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I participate daily. I don’t know about causing a boob quake but I am fairly certain I have caused a few floods.

ucme's avatar

A titilating proposition, I do like to keep abreast of stories like this.

pearls's avatar

I don’t think I will be participating. I couldn’t even cause a slight tremor.

netgrrl's avatar

Can’t lead someone where they don’t want to go…

janbb's avatar

Is that why my boobs asked for the day off on Monday?

Judi's avatar

It would be really funny if “the big one” did happen on Monday.

janbb's avatar

@Judi Shouldn’t it be a big two?

Judi's avatar

@janbb ; I gues there ARE two sides to every quake.

Trillian's avatar

Imagine me rolling my eyes. “Ohh-hhh-hhhh-hhhh-hhhh.”

thriftymaid's avatar

I don’t usually wear low-cut clothes; will it count if I just go topless on Monday?

chyna's avatar

Ok, the twins are coming out Monday.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’ll certainly be a spectator. Where can we go to get images of the event? Surely someone’s going to be documenting this affair….........

Sarcasm's avatar

Yes. I’ll be participating, I’ll be wearing my cutest low-cut shirt.

Mamradpivo's avatar

I’m a guy and I will wear the shirt that best shows off my chest. I’ve been working out lately and feeling pretty strong. I will definitely strut my stuff Monday, in the hopes of causing more earthquakes.

Jack79's avatar

I’d sure like to see the experiment being conducted, quake or no quake.

majorrich's avatar

I’ll go topless for the day. My manboobs dont bounce much, but I’ll try.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I added a comment to the thread there:
I haven’t read all of the comments, but because I so often think outside the box (pun noted; not intended, but I’ll let it go this one time), I doubt if anyone has spoken against this idea:

What if there is an earthquake on Monday or Tuesday? Hmm? Then the imam could say, “See! God dammit, I toldja so! Nyah nyah nyah!! Listen to me next time!” And… people just might listen to him.

Just in case that could happen… because it could, you know; earthquakes happen all the time… I’m going to suggest that women around the world go totally nude on Monday the 26th (through, oh, Wednesday the 28th, just to be on the safe side).

There may still be an earthquake. Hell, there could be several earthquakes, a tsunami or two, hurricanes and an asteroid strike. My point is: Who would notice? Who would care, even if he did notice?

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I would love to see the data relating breast exposure to earthquake frequency.

le_inferno's avatar

I mean, sure, I’ll contribute, but surely my “cleavage” wouldn’t cause so much as a tremor.

OneMoreMinute's avatar

Well there was just a 6.4 DD on the richter scale in Jakarta Indonesia today. With tsunami warnings issued.

read all about it.

Jack79's avatar

Wow! Just thinking about it causes an earthquake. Imagine what would happen if Jen McCreight and the rest of the hags would actually go ahead with their experiment!

This could be a new secret weapon. Woman walks into a bank, shouting: “stick ‘em up or I take off my bra!”

OneMoreMinute's avatar

It’s been well documented that all throughout history in all countries, boobs have been classified as a weapon of mass destruction. As well as the cause of many wars, ranking only below religion as #1 cause.

source: I ferget, ......oh yeah, it’s classified!

HungryGuy's avatar

I’m all for Boobquake! But you’ll never never dissuade religious fanatics from their beliefs with logic, reason, and/or scientific experiments.

janbb's avatar

I was worried that something like that might happen.

kevbo's avatar

@janbb, while the comments are just from two individuals, it certainly smacks of reneging. They should take their losing lumps with their lady lumps. ;-)

Nullo's avatar

I thought that it was global warming that caused earthquakes. Danny Glover said so.

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