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andrew's avatar

So. LOST. How amazing was that last episode (spoilers inside, obviously)?

Asked by andrew (16548points) May 5th, 2010

While I have to admit I’m pleased that Sayid chowed down on C4 (though after Ilana ate it, that particular death is getting as common as getting shot in the chest), but Sun and Jin? Not fair!

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9 Answers

DominicX's avatar

I agree; that was an awesome episode, one of the best so far. To be honest, I kind of expected a few characters to be killed off. Not that I really wanted anyone to be, but I felt like too much was going exactly the way they wanted it to go, and I was waiting for something to go wrong and shake things up a bit. And it did.

I cried when Sun and Jin died, though… :(

I can’t wait to find out what MIB does next… :)

irondavy's avatar

Kate getting shot and not dying was the biggest letdown since explaining the whispers as trapped souls.

andrew's avatar

You shut your mouth. She’s a mermaid.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Meh. I grew bored of the whole thing years ago.

MacBean's avatar

Oops. I guess I was doing other stuff while “watching” this episode. I appear to have missed some things. I’ll have to re-watch.

MissAusten's avatar

I have to disagree about Sayid. He represented 50% of the man candy on Lost, and now poor Sawyer will have to shoulder that responsibility all on his own. Jack is not a man, he’s a little girl. The only way the writers can redeem themselves, in my opinion, is if Sawyer spends the next two episodes completely nekkid. Maybe then I’ll forgive them.

The Sun and Jin part was definitely bittersweet, and followed way too close to them finally being reunited. However, it was a nice and tidy way to wrap up the mystery of which of them was the “candidate.” Now there’s no need for anyone to figure it out. I’d rather they’d killed off Jack and Claire, just because Jack always annoys me and Crazy Clair is a bit creepy.

Cupcake's avatar

Crazy Claire is VERY creepy. My feelings for Jack have waxed and waned. I like him right now.

I can’t wait for next week. This is the best season since the first.

tinyfaery's avatar

Boo hoo. Waah. I cried like a little baby.

jonsblond's avatar

There has never been a television show that had me in tears every episode. This last episode was amazing.

What will I do without Lost? I need my heartstrings tugged!

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