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klaas4's avatar

How to duplicate a blog including all articles and layouts in iWeb?

Asked by klaas4 (2194points) March 15th, 2008

I’m busy making my site bilingual, and must duplicate my blog to translate it (so a Dutch version and an English version), but when I right-click on my blog in the sidebar, Duplicate is grey, so I can’t click.

Anyone knows a haxie to do this?


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12 Answers

squirbel's avatar

Not sure what platform the first blog is, but I am sure you can duplicate the database or export everything as XML and parse those into your new blog…

klaas4's avatar

I’m talking about iWeb. It’s an WYSIWYG-editor. No code of any kind envolved.

squirbel's avatar

Oh, that should be as simple as going into the /Sites folder and duplicating the top-level folder of your site, and importing it with another name… Let me know if it works…

squirbel's avatar

I’m going to open iWeb (tried it like once) and make a quick blog as well.

klaas4's avatar

There are a lot of folders. I don’t know which to copy.

klaas4's avatar

B.T.W. I want them to be in the same site. :)

squirbel's avatar

Yeah. I personally believe it is smarter and less bulky to store all the string for your site in an XML format. One Dutch section, and the other English. But I’m not sure if iWeb is that flexible, it’s mostly a “big-picture-cut-it-into-pieces” kind of software. Brb.

squirbel's avatar

Hmmm, I created an iWeb blog and made a few fake articles…

To duplicate the entire blog, how about going to File > Publish to a Folder, and choose a folder that is different from the current, ie the first level of /Sites…

klaas4's avatar

And then? How to get it back to iWeb as a separate blog?

Kinda tricky, eh?

klaas4's avatar

Oh, wait, I use .Mac, so I don’t have to export it, I think.

skorned's avatar

haha klaas…the task you’re out to achieve isn’t very difficult…u just wanna duplicate the entire site, which should be as easy as copy and pasting files. However, i’m not sure duplicating the ENTIRE website is the best way to go. Theres common elements like formatting which there is no point in duplicating for different languages…
i haven’t ever used iweb, although i had a .Mac account sitting around for one year getting wasted…i’ll check out the different options and get back to u

skorned's avatar

ok never mind…i take back whatever i sed….iweb compared to any normal site design tool is like notepad to ms word or something!! there is no import feature whatsoever!! it is for the most basic of website creation, and i dont see any use for it….its prolly just meant to show all the wonderful things a mac can do for u, including building websites and blogs and what not, but it is actually quite useless….

if you’re serious about this blog, you’re probably better off using a commonly used blogging platform like blogger (
If you’re willing to go through a bit of a learning curve from iweb, then theres drupal, which is really awesome….but for most basic blogging needs, blogger should do. I’m sure there’ll be some way of duplicating a website created on blogger, or exporting and importing its contents…

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