General Question

klaas4's avatar

Has 10.5.2 solved the Time Machine AirDisk functionality yet?

Asked by klaas4 (2194points) March 15th, 2008

Without the terminal-hack? It it already possible?

I’m about to use my Time Machine drive as an AirDisk, can it now we used well with Time Machine?

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2 Answers

benkreeger's avatar

As far as I know, NO. Apple has their Time Capsule on store shelves, but AirPort drive functionality is still MIA in Leopard.

benkreeger's avatar

Wouldn’t you know, as soon as I answer, Apple changes their mind. An update was released yesterday (3/19) to Time Machine and AirPort to allow the backups to USB drives connected to AirPort base stations.

It should work now!

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