Social Question

rebbel's avatar

"I Should Be Dead", "I Shouldn't Be Alive". Care to come up with some new titles?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) May 27th, 2010

When my girlfriend and i saw these two shows on NatGeo and Discovery Channel and their almost similar names we invented some new ones (for example; “I Shouldn’t Be Born In The First Place”), which had the same ‘sound’ to it.
Just for the fun of it, do you like to come up with yours?
Or new, witty names for other tv shows that you know for that matter?

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9 Answers

Silhouette's avatar

Ninteen kids is enough. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar finally learn how to masturbate.

syz's avatar

Obesity in America: stop watching this stupid show and get off your butt!

gemiwing's avatar

I always get those two shows confused. To the point I just combine the names in my head to “I shouldn’t be dead”

Gimp My Ride- where they take things off of over-modified cars.
The Dog Tshh-er; that’s the sound he always makes at the dogs.
(Hubbs fave) Bromygod Ghost Adventures. self explanatory

MissAnthrope's avatar

Watch stupid rich ladies with lots of plastic surgery and bad fake tans make up bullshit drama problems because they have nothing better to do.

ratboy's avatar

You Should be Dead, and So Should your Dog.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Silhouette-That show should be called.“Stop F’n Me For A Second,You Horny Duggar!”

Merriment's avatar

@Silhouette – LOL, if only it were true!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

The Kardashians; how to help the untalented to pay for it all.

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