General Question

Mtl_zack's avatar

What are good drinks to drink while clubbing?

Asked by Mtl_zack (6778points) March 16th, 2008

i dont go out much and just turned legal and id like some drinks that are “in” now. also, what are the main ingredients in them.

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15 Answers

f15hl39's avatar

best nightclub drink ever is red bull vodka, keeps you dancing while drunk

Randy's avatar

I can’t handle vodka makes me puke everytime. I like whisky and some sorta cola. Don’t mix light whisky and dark colas, or vice versa. Keep them matched. Wine is good, but don’t get to drunk on it or you’ll be trying to clean red outta your clothes!

cake7's avatar

I just asked this question on Friday. Try a California Cocaine. Its the best!

Lightlyseared's avatar

anything in a bottle so you can put your thumb over the top and stop people spiking it

Thesilvertiger's avatar

As long as they don’t have a micky in them then they are all just dandy.

shawcraw's avatar

Sex on the beach, MIA TIA , or hurricane! I wouldnt’ drink anything with the word cocaine in it!

jz1220's avatar

Are you male or female?

Mtl_zack's avatar

@ jz1220: im male, and yes i can control my liqour. im tired of beer. also, can you please tell me whats in these drinks? thanks.

LuckVIII's avatar

try beer bomb or saki bomb. Truth be told clubs are notorious place to get your liquer. Try to get your drinks in before you go to club that way you have more $$$ to spend on your friends or girls

jz1220's avatar

All my guy friends enjoy rum and cokes and mojitos. They say those are “manly” drinks and give you a good buzz.

cake7's avatar

Califorina Cocaine: Malibu Rum, Vodka,
Blue Curaco, pinapple juice.

I have to say it was the best drink of my night.

elman25's avatar

incredible hulk!!: shot of hennesy mixed with hypnotic!..tasty!

topserb96's avatar

bacardi limon n coke with a lime. Very good.

cwilbur's avatar

My preferences are vodka tonics, rum & cokes, whiskey sours. That said, I’m not much of a club goer.

okc405's avatar

patrone patrone patrone

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