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RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Is there a little universe inside your head?

Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies (30954points) June 12th, 2010

Some of you have seen this before. Some of you haven’t… Hmmm.

It’s just too eerie. But it makes me wonder… Let’s just say, for sake of argument, that we are little tiny teeny weeny buggars floating around in the brain of some enormous being. Well, that being never thinks about unicorns, and so unicorns don’t really exist in our realm. The big brain never thinks about dragons or fairies either. And so obviously there aren’t going to be any of those inside its brain either.

But, I do think about unicorns, dragons, and fairies. So I gotta wonder, if this picture has any resemblance to the actual reality of the way things are, could there be some really tiny teeny weeny super teensy little unicorns, dragons, and fairies inside my brain somewhere?

And I’ve got to wonder, if we exist in the brain of such a giant, and we are indeed a product of its thoughts, well, does it live in a world among other giants that say things like… “Human Beings don’t exist! Don’t be so superstitious. It’s all in your mind”.

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22 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

You could also ask if the universe exists only in the dream of a butterfly or if the butterfly exists only in the dream of the universe.

Thoth said it best, “As above, so below.”

MacBean's avatar

Well, my brain just exploded, so I guess I don’t have to worry about this anymore!

lillycoyote's avatar

There is a universe inside my head and inside that universe there is a head with a universe inside of it, and inside that universe is a head… well, you get the idea. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, as they say. Read Horton Hears A Who. It’s really quite cosmic. Not the movie, the children’s book, the original Dr. Suess.

ninjacolin's avatar

of course there is, why else would i be talking about it?

perspicacious's avatar

Yes, and people really like me there.

ucme's avatar

Take the express elevator further down the body where uranus can be found.

CMaz's avatar

More like a shotgun shack. With bunch of bickering hillbillies that need a bath.

Silhouette's avatar

Go take a nap. Reminds me of that scene in Men In Black, the little bitty world stuck in a bus station locker.

blueberry_kid's avatar

To me, if you have a little unvierse inside your head, i personally think that means your self-centered

MacBean's avatar

@astrix24 If you’re self-centered, you think this universe is yours.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Oh, still i always belived that if you have a little “universe” in yiur mind, that means you think to much if yourself, i dont know

Berserker's avatar

Man that’s some freaky shit. It would be pretty cool if my brain was filled with zombie invasions though, and then hot chicks in miniskirts blowing them to hell.

blueberry_kid's avatar

A very pleasent thought, huh @Symbeline

Dr_Dredd's avatar

Maybe that’s where science fiction writers get their ideas from.

envidula61's avatar

There are several universes in my head.

MacBean's avatar

It’s where all fiction writers get their ideas from.

downtide's avatar

There is definitely a world inside my head. One day, I will finally succeed in writing it all down, and get my fantasy novel published.

@MacBean – who says it’s necessarily fiction? :-D

ratboy's avatar

Yes—it’s mostly empty space and it’s expanding at an ever increasing rate. But I don’t want to get a swelled head over this.

ZEPHYRA's avatar


blueberry_kid's avatar

I conquer with @ZEPHYRA , so true

mattbrowne's avatar

I’ll discuss it with my cortical homunculus and get back to you.

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