General Question

Jonathan_hodgkins's avatar

I am making a space strategy game and need to acquire/make pieces?

Asked by Jonathan_hodgkins (687points) July 7th, 2010

I am currently creating a space strategy game that needs to have pieces for ships and other economic generators. Do you know of any sites where I can purchase small plastic pieces or any suggestions on what sort of material can be utilized to create these pieces. The pieces need to be about an inch and a half as well as three dimensional.

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3 Answers

Ltryptophan's avatar

Solarquest a friend gave it to me in fourth grade. It said idle for a year or so. Then I brought it to my cousins house one summer. It was a blast! sorry, had to

Zaku's avatar

Archie MacPhee has bins of spaceships, figures, monsters, doodads, but I don’t see them listed on the web site. You might call them up and ask for assistance and/or if such things are in a catalog.

Might try browsing 99 cent stores, too. And/or hardware stores.

malcolm.knapp's avatar

If you get ambitious you could print them on a 3D printer. Look at MakerBot or Shapeways for ideas.

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