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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

NSFW - How do YOU pronounce it?

Asked by MyNewtBoobs (19064points) July 17th, 2010

Cli-TOR-is or clit-or-IS?

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26 Answers

FutureMemory's avatar


aprilsimnel's avatar


janbb's avatar

Yessss to @aprilsimnel.‘s

Austinlad's avatar

Even though I haven’t had occasion to use the word in decades—:(—I would agree with any way @janbb says it’s pronounced!

Keysha's avatar


fairytales's avatar

I’m getting tongue-tied just thinking about it. ;)

jca's avatar

On Seinfeld (remember) rhymes with Dolores.

AmWiser's avatar

@jca very funny. I remember that one.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@jca I don’t think I’ve seen that episode – which one was it?

jca's avatar

@papayalily : Jerry went out with this girl, and he forgot her name. she told him it rhymed with a body part, and he still could not remember. she was going to have sex with him, and he still could not remember, and she realized he did not remember her name. she left, angry, and when outside she yelled up to the window “Dolores.”

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@jca That’s hilarious!

shego's avatar

I cut the long version and just call it a clit. But if I have to say it properly, I say clitoris.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@shego But where do you put the emphasis?

Lightlyseared's avatar


ucme's avatar


janbb's avatar

I guess it really doesn’t matter how you say it….....

FutureMemory's avatar

@janbb Actions speak louder than words? :)

shego's avatar

@papayalily I guess at the or.

downtide's avatar

CLIT-or-iss. I’m English rather than American, if that makes any difference.

zenele's avatar

This question should be moved to General.

AshlynM's avatar

The second one.

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