General Question

wundayatta's avatar

[NSFW] Guys, what are the best uses for each type of underwear?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) July 19th, 2010

I’d like you to consider boxers, boxer briefs, classic briefs, bikini briefs, g-string/thong and jock straps. I’m really interested in how these affect physical activities (especially bicycle riding without bike shorts) and keeping dry (to reduce inviting habitat for fungus).

I figure I want briefs for riding because it holds my balls in place, but they also trap moisture. Unfortunately, changing is not necessarily and option. When I don’t ride, I’m wondering if boxers air things out, or do they also allow moisture to build up, since there is no fabric to carry it away.

Or what about a jock strap with boxers?

As for the rest of the models, I’m pretty sure they have mostly to do with sexiness. Although I’m a little confused by boxer briefs. Is that just about sexiness or does that also have a practical component?

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11 Answers

El_Cadejo's avatar

I dont wear underwear…..

Cruiser's avatar

They do make athletic briefs specifically for bike riding. Chafing should be your main concern and invest in riding shorts as well. I would avoid cotton at all cost as cotton absorbs moisture. There are poly blends that wick the moisture very well.

jfos's avatar

Boxers are comfortable in that they let everything lay naturally. I don’t think absorbing sweat is the best idea, but rather, allowing air flow to dry the area.

Boxer briefs offer a similar freedom as boxers, but they keep everything together a little better.

Briefs, which I wore as a kid, offer no freedom. They are, in my opinion, uncomfortable.

I haven’t worn a jock strap since I used to play football as a kid.

As for bikini briefs, they seem to be a swimmer’s choice.

I wouldn’t wear the g-string/thong type underwear.

wundayatta's avatar

@Cruiser I tend to be allergic to synthetic fibers—they make me itch. Polyester is a particularly egregious offender. Do you know if the polys have this problem? And can these athletic briefs be word all day—or do they get uncomfortable?

Arp's avatar

I don’t know very many guys who make a habit of wearing a thong. It just doesn’t work, trust me. :P

sleepdoc's avatar

When it comes the working out underwear, I have gone to a boxer brief. Under armour makes some good ones that stay in place. Some of the others, ride up the thighs too much.

CMaz's avatar

Briefs when getting around. Boxers for kicking around the house and sleeping in.

FutureMemory's avatar

I don’t wear underwear.

I’ve never had a problem with riding my bike, but it might be possible my ball control is above average.

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Cruiser's avatar

@wundayatta, I would probably not wear the athletic blends as an all day brief and only for the bike ride or other sport activity. You can get silk briefs which are the ultimate in wicking but obviously pricey.

ratboy's avatar


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