Meta Question

rebbel's avatar

Are you occupied with the digits that make up your Lurve?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) July 19th, 2010

I ask this just to learn if there are more Jellies like me, who love their Lurve number.
Not the amount of Lurve you have, but what it is made up of.
I like numbers in general…, when reading text on television i like/wait to see the time go from 12:34:22 to 12:34:56 for example.
And also, since i am on Fluther, i like my, and other Jellies’, Lurve numbers.
When i am, for example, on 4455, i am almost disappointed when somebody gives me a GQ (+3)...

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46 Answers

janbb's avatar

Duly noted @rebbel – PM me when you are particularly fond of the number you are on and I will restrain myself.

CMaz's avatar

I am hoping that one day I will have all the digits, and rule the world!

janbb's avatar

@ChazMaz Which digits are you missing?

CMaz's avatar

If I knew that I would have them. And, I would be ruling the world!

erichw1504's avatar

Yup, I tend to do the same thing.

@janbb You’re almost at a good one: 23432… only 9 more! (as of 5:11 PM ET July 19th, 2010)

Jude's avatar

I just went through 18118. Fun.

Berserker's avatar

I did when it was 69, and 666.

I’m pretty sure I actually did get 666…

rebbel's avatar

@janbb “PM me when you are particularly fond of the number you are on and I will restrain myself.”
What exactly does that mean?

@erichw1504 and @jjmah and @Symbeline
I am happy that i am not alone :-)

janbb's avatar

From giving you any more lurve, sweetie – what did you think it meant? :-)

rebbel's avatar

Ah, restrain….
Understood, @janbb, i will remember that.

bhec10's avatar

I took screenshots when my lurve was at 1999, 2222 and 2500 :)

Jeruba's avatar

I notice palindromes, but otherwise no, not particularly. Although I do aspire to hit 66666 bang on. Please remember that, lurve-givers, in about ten years.

le_inferno's avatar

Yes, only because mine seems to accumulate very sloooooooowly. Must be because I lurk much more than I realize.

gailcalled's avatar

My odometer just crossed the 20,000 mark. That was exciting for the first quarter of a mile after.

rebbel's avatar

Wasn’t that supposed to be 30,000?

If i could give you 1 lurve now, i would (although 25,999 also has a nice ring to it).

gailcalled's avatar

No, I really meant my car. I drive very short distances only and don’t put much mileage on my cars. So this was a thrill.

rebbel's avatar

Aha, you were talking cars.
I didn’t know the word odometer.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

These things are just not important to me.

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes, numerals have a particular fascination for me. They have personalities and are fun to see in various combinations, like poetry is to some people.

jonsblond's avatar

I thought it was a bit neat when I had 1971. the year of my birth

Fly's avatar

Yes, because I really dislike odd numbers, although I usually don’t mind ones for some reason. So this whole 1999 thing is killing me!
But I also do quite enjoy patterns and significant numbers in lurve numbers. It’s kind of exciting when you find/get one.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I don’t really pay attention to mine or anyone else’s. I’m not really into numbers anywhere else either though.

augustlan's avatar

I like symmetry so palindromic numbers do give me a little thrill.

Buttonstc's avatar

I am so NOT a numbers person at all and never have been. Means nothing to me at all.

But spelling and grammar errors jump out like neon so I restrain myself. That’s why Fluther is so relaxing compared to the rest of the Internet with practically NO standards at all :)

rebbel's avatar

Thanks for your answers.
For the ones who are into numbers: if i could give you +7 or +1 or +4, to make your Lurve amount round or palindromic, i would!
For those of you who are not: i would not.~

chels's avatar

Nah. If I didn’t delete my old account I would have had 10k+ lurve right now and as you can see, my lurve is pretty low at the moment. Oh wells :) It’s just a number. Doesn’t. Mean. Shit.

le_inferno's avatar

3838, check this shit

rebbel's avatar

Great Answer, @le_inferno Oops.

Austinlad's avatar

I was married on 8–7-65. (Divorced 13 years later but don’t remember that date.)

Kraigmo's avatar

I’ll probably check it in a minute. Oh wait, there it is below. Well, before writing this Answer, I had no idea what my lurve is. Currently 4406. Means nothing to me. Except for the fact it occasionally means someone really liked my answers or whatnaught, and that part of it, I like

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

I love the number 17, since I am over the 1717 mark, I would really like to land on 7777. That would just be fantastic. If I overshoot it & never land on it (long enough to take a screenshot – for sentimental reasons) then I’ll have no choice but to delete this account & try again. :)

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I love numbers! They were my life! Meaningless patterns do not excite me. Meaningful patterns that explain subtle effects are amazing.

Austinlad's avatar

I was occupied today with reaching, then passing, 5,000 lurve. It was like my birthday. Thanks to everybody who contributed to my total over the past year, and thank y’all who emailed congratulations today !!!

Berserker's avatar

@Austinlad Congrats yo. :)

janbb's avatar

Congrats @Austinlad – well deserved!

MaryW's avatar

Oh yes I lurve lurve numbers.
8686 is wonderful because it is 2 (14’s), which is 2 ( 5’s )
And I Lurve 5’s and I will just ignore that 2 (5’s) = a 10 which is a 1
which then makes you @rebbel NUMBER ONE !
At least at the time you asked this question :-)

erichw1504's avatar

@MaryW How do two 5’s make a 14?

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

My current lurve score may be sought after by some (3232) but I want my 7’s damnit.

bhec10's avatar

Funny how I remembered this question from 2 years ago. I am very pleased to announce that I have exactly 5000 lurve points :)

Yay for me!

jonsblond's avatar

I do like my current lurve. 33333. I’ve been keeping an eye on it for days, wondering if it could be accomplished.

Silly numbers.

bhec10's avatar

@jonsblond I’m tempted to give you a GA, but it’ll just ruin it!

jonsblond's avatar

@bhec10 You might as well now. Someone else ruined my joy. ;)

bhec10's avatar

@jonsblond Done! I’ll get that lurve score in a couple of years!

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