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RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

What's the difference between drive and desire?

Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies (30954points) July 22nd, 2010

Specifically sexual drive and sexual desire.

My position is that one is biological, and can be explained through the processes of evolution and genetics. Those who are driven to mate the most win.

The other is a phenomenon of psychology, and is best explained by learned preferences, personal inclinations, and social influences.

Where am I mistaken?

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8 Answers

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I agree with you. As far as non sexual stuff though, it’s the difference between talking the talk and walking the walk.

MacBean's avatar

I have the desire for a grilled cheese sandwich right now. I do not have the drive to go downstairs and cook.

MaryW's avatar

sexual drive is biological and yes sexual desire is personal . I do not believe you are mistaken.
Another way to put it may be drive is in your DNA and desire is emotionally exercised.
Both may look the same because drive can be enhanced by desire and therefore mistaken only as desire.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

The notion of “drive” is no longer used in psychology. Basic biological needs are acknowledged of course, but they are under the control of the individual as to how and when the person acts on them.

Desire is what the person reports they want to do or obtain.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’m with @Dr_Lawrence – I think both can be explained away in a biological or a social way.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Correct me if I’m wrong @Dr_Lawrence, but it sounds as though you are agreeing with my original premise. Am I reading you correctly?

Jabe73's avatar

A strong enough sexual desire can also create a strong sexual drive. There is no stronger aphrodisiac than the mind.

Earthgirl's avatar

I agree with Jabe73. Sexual desire is so potent when it occurs. A person’s desire crests and falls based on so many things and many of those things are governed by the mind, the personality and the general situation a person finds him/herself in. For example if you are unemployed and desperately searching for a job, in most but not all cases, your sex life will take a back seat to your job hunt. It’s survival and it also may be a hit to your self esteem which affects your libido. Which is another point to make. Sexual drive depends largely on libido, which is life force. If you have a strong libido you will have a strong sex drive generally. But I agree with Freud that that libido can be channeled into (sublimated, that is) other pursuits. Only when 2 people find one another and the right chemistry is there will the sexual drive feel a strong push to be expressed. I feel that in our society now there may be too many people who are having sex for all the wrong reasons! Kids, really, who have no relationship, seeing all the sexually provocative movies, tv shows, advertisements etc. feel like they have to have sex to prove they can. I mean, is it coming from the heart? I understand hormonal surges have their effect!!! ha ha. I’ve been there. But I ramble.
so in sum, to try to answer the question RealEyesRealizeRealLies, where am I mistaken?
I would have to say I don’t think you can seperate the 2 things mind/body, biological/psychological. Especially not if you’re talking about something as complex as sexual desire. That said, maybe the men here would quibble with my notion that chemistry is so important to sexual desire. And I wonder, what do you all think about the idea,concept of sexual chemistry? or is that another question?

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